Infertility can be a traumatic, stressful experience for couples trying to have their own children. However, it’s a common condition, affecting about 10-15% of couples in the United States. Many hopeful parents spend a lot of money on fertility treatments without achieving any success and as a last resort, turn to the surrogacy process.
Still, a lot of infertile couples prefer opting for fertility treatment such as IVF, and IUI over surrogacy, as it allows them to experience what it’s like to be pregnant.
We understand that quitting other infertility treatments to pursue surrogacy can be a difficult decision. But while surrogacy may not be what you initially planned, it can help you actualize your dream of building a family and have a genetic connection with your baby through gestational surrogacy.
In the following piece, we will look at some questions you need to ask yourself to ensure you are really ready to move on from infertility treatments to surrogacy.
1. Is your partner comfortable with the surrogacy option?
One of the most important factors in switching from infertility treatments to surrogacy is whether or not your spouse is comfortable with this option.
It’s up to you and your partner to decide whether or not surrogacy is the right option for you. So, we recommend doing research on surrogacy together to find out what is involved. This way, both of you will know what to expect from the surrogacy process and whether it is good for you!
2. Are you willing to forgo other infertility treatments?
Another thing you need to consider is whether or not you are willing to quit fertility treatments for gestational surrogacy. Many of the couples who come to this decision have already undergone several infertility treatments without success.
Many infertile couples consider opting for surrogacy because their past treatments failed, and they are worried new ones may not work. Surrogacy is, therefore, their safest option for building the family they so much desire.
3. Are you okay with parenthood without pregnancy?
The fact that you’re not going to be carrying your baby makes transitioning from infertility treatments to surrogacy a difficult decision. A lot of couples who opt for surrogacy do so because their desire to have children is greater than their ability to become pregnant, and we know that it is difficult to accept. Hence, it is important that you are comfortable with another person carrying your baby before beginning the process.
This is a unique partnership, and you should be ready for the emotional aspect before deciding to go for surrogacy. With a good support network and the assistance of our friendly, experienced staff, you can be sure your surrogacy journey will be as smooth as possible.
4. Are you well aware of the surrogacy requirements?
Surrogacy journey calls for a great investment in time, resources, and patience. Clearly, if you are going for surrogacy process, exploring all the available resources is essential. It’s always better to consult a surrogacy professional to gather adequate knowledge about the process.
Discuss with your partner and the surrogacy expert about the following:
- What does the surrogacy process cost?
- How can you financially prepare for surrogacy?
- How do you choose the perfect Surrogate Mother who aligns with your parenthood goals?
- Which surrogacy agency would be best suited for you?
- Can you use your own eggs (fresh or frozen eggs) to create the embryo or will be needing an Egg Donor?
- If an Egg Donor is needed, what qualities you want in the donor (ethnicity, eye color, educational background, etc.)?
- Are you ready to accept surrogacy twins and what options are there in such cases?
- What are the international surrogacy laws if you are planning for abroad surrogacy?
Talking to the infertility treatment specialist and surrogacy professional, you will have a better understanding of the surrogacy journey ahead of you.
5. Lastly, what does your fertility doctor say?
Your fertility expert’s suggestion is a vital part of your infertility treatments as well as in your surrogacy journey.
Although gestational surrogacy is often the best and only option for a lot of infertile couples, it may not be the right solution for everyone. Hence, talking to your fertility doctor will help you get a better idea about surrogacy process before making a decision.
The Gestational Surrogacy Process and How It Works
Surrogacy is a complicated process, both medically and legally. We have prepared a short detail about the steps you will have to take on your surrogacy journey.
Getting Started
The first step in the surrogacy process is to complete our consultation request form. Once you do this, one of our program coordinators will contact you, and a consultation will be scheduled with our medical experts.
During this consultation, we will discuss your specific situation, cost, and the entire process. We will also answer any questions you have got about the process or your financing options.
The second step is the matching of intended parents and potential surrogates.
Your intended parents’ profile will be sent to gestational carriers that meet your requirements. We will also send you the profile of any surrogate mother that is interested in working with you.
If the two of you agree to work together, we will arrange a moderated call so that both of you can get to know each other. After the matching has been completed, you will create an escrow account for the surrogate’s expenses, and the screening will begin.
The screening process can be completed at any fertility clinic you like. During this screening, both you and your spouse, as well as the surrogate, will be evaluated by medical professionals. While our surrogates have all been already medically screened prior to being presented, this is the phase where they will get the final clearance with approval from your fertility clinic. You may be excluded from this screening if you already have your embryos frozen.
This is one of the most important steps in the surrogacy process.
During this step, you will be asked to sign and submit a legal match sheet, which will cover all the financial aspects of the contract. You and your attorney will draft the surrogacy contract and send it to the surrogate and her lawyer for review. Both of you will then sign and notarize the agreement.
Medical Process
The medical procedures involved in surrogacy vary depending on the protocols of the clinic you select. We will give the surrogate a calendar with their appointments, and your coordinator will guide you through this calendar to make sure you understand the timeline.
The surrogate will then begin to take fertility medications, and the embryo(s) will be transferred into her uterus at the appropriate time.
If you want, you can also attend the embryo transfer! Exactly five days after the transfer, the surrogate will conduct an at-home pregnancy test, and a blood test will be carried out on her two weeks later. If the pregnancy test comes back positive, the surrogate will begin to receive her compensation, which is usually broken down into several equal parts.
If you are ready to move on from infertility treatment to surrogacy, we have the resources ready for you. At RSMC, we will assist you through every step of the process and make sure it goes as seamlessly as possible. Our team is made up of highly-experienced professionals who can offer you valuable advice and assistance.
Please reach out to us at RSMC for a more comprehensive outline of the surrogacy process. You can also visit our website to arrange a Fertility consultation or get answers to any questions you have about the process.
Table of Contents
- 1. Is your partner comfortable with the surrogacy option?
- 2. Are you willing to forgo other infertility treatments?
- 3. Are you okay with parenthood without pregnancy?
- 4. Are you well aware of the surrogacy requirements?
- 5. Lastly, what does your fertility doctor say?
- The Gestational Surrogacy Process and How It Works