Surrogacy Kept UsNormally I only work part-time watching my neighbor’s kids after school, my husband’s salary covers the rest of our bills. Since I love staying home and taking care of our family this worked out great until my husband lost his job. All of a sudden part-time babysitting wasn’t going to cut it. We limped along for a couple of months, he got unemployment checks and I picked up some more babysitting but we were getting farther and farther into debt.

The financial problems were taking a toll on our marriage, we were fighting a lot and it was upsetting all of us. We hadn’t made the house payment in a couple of months and we both realized that within a couple more months the bank would start foreclosing on us. Something we still agreed on was that we didn’t want to lose the house we had worked so hard for.

One of the moms I was now sitting for occasionally was a Surrogate, I would watch the kids while she went to appointments or was helping someone else start on the path to surrogacy. When she saw how we were struggling to make ends meet she asked me how long I thought we could continue as we were and if $60,000 would help the situation. Not long and YESSSSS! But what would I have to do to earn $40,000, I was already watching as many kids as I could handle.

The next day she grabbed some pizza for the kids and spent three hours explaining surrogacy and Surrogate recruiting to my husband and myself. She was doing both and making quite a nice living at it while staying home. As she explained it, the beauty of the thing is that you can be a Surrogate recruiter any time, you don’t need to be a Surrogate at all but you can do both at once.

When she told us how Surrogates are paid we realized that we could make up our back house payments if I became a Surrogate one time. That is actually what it came down to, we could stay in the house.

My pregnancies had been pretty easy so the idea of being pregnant again was fine. The next week my husband watched all the kids while the other mom and I went to Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, the medical center she was a Surrogate for, so I could undergo a medical exam to see if I qualified to become a Surrogate. I passed, YAH, and the other mom was given $1,000 for recruiting me.

She did not have to do it but that wonderful woman shared the recruiting money with me and I am truly grateful for that. Within a month I was matched with a family that required a Surrogate and the process started. The first check we got went straight to the mortgage company.

During the pregnancy the mom who introduced me to surrogacy was a great support as was the team at surrogacy agency. They really tried to arrange things, like medical appointments, to make my life as easy as possible. I really appreciate the fact that there was always someone to talk to. I guess it’s pretty obvious by now that I love kids, why else would I be trying so hard to stay home with mine and take in other kids after school.

That love of children helped me understand the deep longing the parents of this baby I was carrying had for a child of their own. Seeing their faces at the birth of their child was a true blessing.

N.L., —El Cajon, CA


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