Whatever family building option you choose, RSMC will make sure that you get the expert care you deserve. Many of our patients choose to use third-party reproductive services (using sperm, eggs, and/or embryos from a donor) to help them achieve their family building goals.
Women have several options when building their families. However, before choosing which fertility treatment option is best, it is important to decide who will carry the pregnancy (you, your partner, or a Gestational Carrier). You will also want to consider how many children you want as well.
Once you have decided who will carry the pregnancy, this person will have the initial fertility evaluation, which can help determine if there are any medical conditions or risk factors to address that might affect fertility.
During your initial fertility evaluation, diagnostic testing will be performed. This gives us a clear picture and determines if there are obstacles that may affect you or your partner’s ability to achieve or carry a pregnancy. Several tests and diagnostic exams include:
Also referred to as artificial insemination, in which washed and prepared sperm …Read More
This option makes it possible for both you and you partner to have a biological connection to your …Read More
Today, the power is in your hands to delay parenthood to pursue your career, …Read More
Egg donation allows individuals and couples to experience parenthood by using another woman’s eggs… Read More
If IVF or IUI is not an option, RSMC helps you find a surrogate through our in-house, OB-managed surrogacy … Read More
We always advise our Intended Parents to try to get a healthy weight before conception. We also recommend that you start taking a prenatal vitamin containing DHA and at least 800 micrograms of folic acid. If you are the type that drinks or smokes, we recommend that you quit before trying to get pregnant. During your consultation, we will carry out some blood tests toevaluate your overall health, like testing for anemia, testing your thyroid levels, etc.
Many lesbian couples prefer to go with a natural IUI (intrauterine insemination) using donor sperm, where we monitor the progression of your ovulation cycle, but help schedule the IUI so that it takes place within the window during which the woman is most likely to conceive. We will give you sperm bank recommendations, so you can choose from a large pool of donors available. The sperm banks we suggest abide by FDA guidelines when screening for transmittable diseases before releasing the sperm. Some hopeful couples may choose to pursue IUI but also use mild stimulation medications. The medications will encourage the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, increasing the couple’s chance of successful fertilization and implantation in a cycle. Other lesbian couples may opt for standard IVF or reciprocal IVF. If you are not sure what fertility treatment will be best for you, please contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts.
No, it’s not necessary. However, there are several tests you need to undergo if you want to know which of you will be the better candidate to donate the eggs or carry the pregnancy. We alsohave to consider certain factors, like your age, body weight, and how well your ovaries are producing eggs, to determine the best options for you to conceive.
Lesbian couples may decide to pursue an IVF cycle in order to harvest the eggs from one partner, fertilize them with donor sperm, and transfer the resulting embryos into the womb of the other partner, who will carry the baby. This is known as“Reciprocal IVF” and allows both partners to be actively involved in the process of conceiving a baby.
Some women choose to be Surrogates following a personal experience with infertility and want to help an individual or couple actualize their dreams of having a family. Other women may feel that their own family is complete, but like being pregnant and think that helping hopeful couples is a higher calling. But one thing that unites all of these women is the strong desire to help others have their own children.
Surrogates are selfless women who are willing to help intended parents start or grow their families. Although their circumstances may be different, all gestational Surrogates are required to fulfill certain requirements before they are matched with the parents. The actual screening and eligibility may vary from one agency to the other. Surrogacy agency does everything possible to make sure we find your ideal match.
1. Be within a particular age range
2. Quit smoking and use of harmful drugs
3. Have an ideal BMI
4. Have a clean criminal record
5. Be able to attend doctor’s appointments
6. Undergo an in-house assessment and background checks
7. Complete a medical workup and a psychological screening
8. Submit health and drug history information
9. Have already carried at least one successful pregnancy without any complication
This varies case by case, but it usually takes between one day to 2 weeks. The length of the matching process is dependent on your availability and responsiveness. After you file in your application, we will contact you to discuss the surrogacy process. We will also provide answers to any questions you may have and send you our compensation package and other important documents. It usually takes our hopeful parents less than 2 weeks to find an ideal Surrogate. With surrogacy agency, it’s very to find a gestational Surrogate who matches your preferences!
A Surrogate mother needs to undergo a complete history and physical exam to make sure that she has medically and emotionally “okay” to carry a pregnancy. This exam will also identify prospective Surrogates at high risk for sexually transmitted infections. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) suggests that all Surrogates are tested for common infections, like HIV, gonorrhea, hepatitis, syphilis, chlamydia, and cytomegalovirus.
The gestational Surrogate and her spouse (if she has one) need to have an interview with a mental health expert. This interview and the following ones will cover the likely psychological risks that are linked to the surrogacy process, including managing her relationships with the intended parents, her partner, children, and employers. Psychological screening can be carried out at the counselor’s discretion.
Surrogates are usually compensated for the time, energy, and effort they put in to fulfill this role. The compensation agreement is going to be documented in the surrogacy contracts before going ahead with any procedure.
The frequency and the kind of contact that will exist between you and the Surrogate will be specified in your surrogacy plan. Depending on what you and your Surrogate are comfortable with, you can have as little or as much contact with your gestational carrier. A lot of surrogacy agencies provide contact mediation services for the parties involved.
Normally, the standard storage period for embryos is 10 years. However, women dealing with some issues can have their embryos stored for up to 55 years. Your doctor will let you know if you can do this.
You or your partner can withdraw consent at any time before the frozen embryos are used for fertility treatment or research. If your spouse withdraws their consent, you won’t be able to use the embryos to try for pregnancy.
If your partner withdraws his/her consent (be it the person who donated the sperm or the eggs), you may get a “cooling off” period of up to 12 months. If after this period your partner still don’t want the frozen embryos used, they are going to be removed from storage and left to perish.
The procedure for using your embryos varies based on your fertility clinic and your individual circumstances.
The first steps depend on whether or not you have regular ovulation. If your menstruations are regular, your physician may recommend that you undergo the embryo transfer without using any fertility medications. In a case like this, ultrasound scans may be performed to check your endometrium (the lining of the uterus). Blood or urine tests may then be carried out to check when you are ovulating, which shows that your womb lining will be ready for the embryo.
If your menstruations are not regular or you don’t menstruate at all, your physician may recommend that you take drugs to induce your natural cycle and cause a “fake” period. Then, you are administered medication to help ready the lining of your womb for the embryo.
At the appropriate time, the clinic’s embryologists will thaw the embryos and transfer one or more of them into your uterus (in cases where the patient is above 40, three embryos may be transferred).
You can trash them or give them out (to another person or for use in medical research or training). In either case, you and your spouse or donor (if applicable) will have to provide your consent in writing. Your fertility clinic should give you the necessary forms.
Donate them to another person: Gift another family or individual the most valuable gift by giving them your unused embryos.
Donate them to research: Medical research on embryos, eggs, and sperms helps scientists understand the root causes of infertility and create effective treatments.
Donate them to training: Students training to become embryologists need biological material to practice techniques like removing embryo cells and mastering the embryo freezing or thawing process.
Discard them: Instead of donating embryos, some people prefer to trash them. Embryos that are not needed anymore are removed from storage and left to perish in water or warmer.
A precise inventory is maintained for all embryos in storage by our laboratory staff. Patients with embryos in storage are billed monthly. Please make sure to notify us of changes to your address, email or credit card.
Please email seminars@fertile.com to get a recording of the seminar. We may not have a recording of the seminar from the specific date you attended but we are always able to get you another recording.
You will receive a text message with your consultation certificate. All attendees receive a ultrasound with their
consultation. Attendees of the LGBT seminar will receive a certificate for a consultation including a ultrasound OR semen analysis. Please schedule your consultation here.
The major difference between embryo freezing and egg freezing is whether the eggs are “combined” with sperm after or before they are frozen. When you are freezing embryos, you have to know the would-be father as his sperm would be used to fertilize the eggs prior to freezing. On the contrary, you can have your eggs frozen without sperm (they are going to be fertilized when you undergo IVF). Embryo freezing also allows you to know the number of eggs that were healthy enough to be fertilized, which you won’t know when you are just freezing your eggs.
So which of these options is best for you? Embryo freezing can be difficult for women without a partner since you need someone to donate the sperm that will be used for fertilization of the eggs (note that you can also freeze your embryos with donor sperm). Generally, freezing of embryos is better for partners who want to have children together but want to delay baby-making because of their career, education, illness, family issues, etc. We recommend you to schedule consultation so our fertility doctor can discuss what option may be the best for you depending on your fertility, age and situation you are in.
Embryo freezing has a pretty impressive success rate. Approximately 95 percent of frozen embryos survive this freezing. As a matter of fact, frozen embryos have a higher success rate than fresh ones when it comes to resulting in a pregnancy.
The side effects or complications of embryo freezing often occur during the egg retrieval process. Most of the side effects of egg extraction are mild and temporary. Some of them are:
• Bleeding
• Bloating or cramping
• Feeling full
• Infection
• Changes in vaginal discharge
• Overstimulation of the ovaries
We completely understand that and have other options for you to get more educated about the options you have. You can schedule a consultation with one of our fertility experts here to get recommendations regarding your situation and for an individualized treatment plan.
If you don’t want to attend a consultation just yet you can also contact us and ask for material regarding our fertility treatment options clinic. We are also happy to provide you a link to one of our recorded seminars that you can watch.
Depending on how much time is left before the seminar date you will receive multiple email reminders with the date, time, and link to join the seminar. On the day of the seminar, you will also receive a text message. Please double-check the email and phone number when you sign up for our seminars that we can send you these reminders and instructions to join. Make sure to join the seminar five minutes before the start time to get yourself set up.
That is okay, you won’t need to have an account with zoom to join the seminar. However, should you decide to join the seminar through phone, you will have to download the app.
Please email seminars@fertile.com should you have any issues or further questions.
You will get a start-of-medications fee (typically $750) then the remaining amount after the retrieval is completed. So, if your compensation is $7,000, you will receive $750 after you start your injectable medications, and the remaining amount, $6,250 after the retrieval is completed. Typically compensation is delivered via check.
The average starting compensation for egg donors is $7,000. However, compensation differs based on a number of factors, including the donor’s education, her donation history, and other factors.
Egg Donors get paid from an escrow account that the Intended Parents establish.
You will get a start-of-medications fee (typically $750) then the remaining amount after the retrieval is completed. So, if your compensation is $7,000, you will receive $750 after you start your injectable medications, and the remaining amount, $6,250 after the retrieval is completed.
Typically compensation is delivered via check.
Everything is paid for in advance by the Intended Parents so there is nothing you will pay for out of pocket. However, if you are asked to pay out of pocket for something, you will be promptly reimbursed.
Amid the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation, some individuals found it a suitable time to explore fertility options. Our patients have adjusted their routines, creating space to consider parenthood. Whether you choose virtual consultations via telephone or Skype, or prefer in-person office visits, we’re equipped to provide ultrasound and AMH testing.
We recommend postponing your cycle if you are exhibiting symptoms, have been in contact with someone who tested positive or tested positive yourself. Additionally, please contact your coordinator or physician to discuss your unique circumstances.
Similar to many other viral infections, to date, there is no scientific evidence of transmission of Coronavirus/COVID-19 to embryos during fertility treatment. Additionally, there has not been any evidence of transmission of the virus to the sperm or eggs. In fact, there is a decided advantage in using assisted reproductive technology over natural pregnancy. The process of the collection, preparation, and wash procedures used in ART minimizes exposure and control variables.
If you are suspected of having contracted COVID-19, you will be placed on home quarantine until the lab test results are back and are negative.
Your fertility treatment cycle will be postponed if you have contracted Coronavirus/Covid-19. This delay means that you can not continue with insemination, retrievals, or embryo transfers for the time being. Your cycle can be delayed until a later time when you are healthy. Even in the case of embryo transfer, the frozen embryos will not be thawed until immediately before your transfer.
We realize that postponing a cycle can be disappointing; however, we are making these recommendations to maximize your safety.
At this time, the focus will be on symptom management. Typically, you will need to take acetaminophen. It is an over-the-counter medication that is useful to reduce fevers. Basically, the goal is to keep your temperature below 100.5°. In some cases, your physician may decide to prescribe an anti-viral medication proven to be safe in pregnancy.
If the decision to freeze your eggs is elective and there is no medical necessity, many insurance plans do not offer coverage for the procedure. Prior to your consultation, we will check your specific plan for available benefits and review your coverage during the consultation.
Egg freezing, if not a covered insurance benefit, generally costs between $7,000 – $12.000, plus the cost of the medications. Our pricing is significantly lower than similar clinics in Southern California and we offer egg freezing specials throughout the year. If you would like an exact quotation, please fill out a consultation request with the comment that you would like to get a price quotation or chat with us to find out more about our specials.
In 2019 California passed SB-600, a fertility preservation coverage bill that requires commercial insurance companies to cover egg freezing due to a cancer diagnosis requiring treatment. In these situations, your IVF coordinator will also provide you with additional financial support resources, including non-income-based resources for fertility medications.
While many insurance carriers do not include fertility preservation as a covered benefit, our Future Fertility program helps employers make elective fertility preservation affordable for their employees. Please contact us to find out.
Yes, FSA’s and HSA’s are a great way to reduce the expense of egg freezing and allows you to take advantage of funds that are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit.
Medical expenses are also generally tax-deductible. If you don’t have or are unable to use your FSA/HSA, you will likely be able to receive a deduction for costs related to egg freezing. Speak with your tax professional for details.
More companies, such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, CitiGroup, and JP Morgan Chase are now offering egg freezing benefits. We recommend consulting your employer’s HR/Benefits department to find out available benefits and programs.
If egg freezing is deemed to be medically necessary by a physician, your condition or circumstances may qualify you for coverage. Please be aware that insurance plans may require precertification and/or preauthorization prior to treatment. Our financial coordinator will review your plan benefits and explain any requirements that may apply to your specific plan.
There are a lot of factors that determine the cost of your egg donation cycle. These include what test you’ve already completed or still require, your insurance plan, and what service is needed depending on your fertility tests, etc. We provide consultations during which the physician can review your health history, undergo an ultrasound, and so on to come up you with more precise pricing based on your situations. You can schedule one by clicking here.
We evaluate individual benefits to know the coverage for each insurance plan. Even in situations where insurance doesn’t provide coverage, we work together with each patient to optimize the available coverage and make the expenses more affordable for them.
Thanks to recent changes in health benefits, policies, and new offerings, your insurance might cover some of the egg donation costs.
We suggest that you talk this over with your insurance company to know more about the costs that will be covered and what you will need to pay out of pocket.
Every consultation at the surrogacy agency also includes a financial consultation following a meeting with our fertility specialist. Depending on what was talked about during the consultation, our financial coordinator will evaluate your treatment pricing options and let you know the financing options available.
No, no one can see or hear you during the seminar. Make sure to click yes, when being asked to join with your audio though. All that this means is that it will connect your audio to zoom which will let you hear our speaker. By default no one will be able to hear or see you. It is not possible to turn your video or microphone on even if you press the wrong buttons.
You can ask questions by clicking the FAQ button on the bottom of the screen. On the phone, make sure to tap on your screen and it will show you the FAQ button. Type your question and at the end of the presentation our fertility doctor will answer every question that was submitted.
Yes, no one will hear or see you. Also, none of the other attendees will see your name. You are completely anonymous.
Yes, unless they are marked with a “Coming Soon” sign, they are all available for immediate use.
Yes, they do. At the surrogacy agency, we believe that there is an ideal donor for every parent. We work with intended parents from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds and accept different types of egg donors. If you would like to learn more about our egg donor database or want to check profiles, click this link to schedule a consultation to talk about your options and get access to our egg donor databank to review profiles.
There are many search options available to you, like height, eye color, ethnicity, education level, etc. Additionally, one of our matching coordinators can help you look for your “perfect” donor and best match. Schedule a consultation to talk about your options and get access to our egg donor databank to review profiles.
We usually add a couple of new donors to our database every week. Although we get a lot of applications from prospective donors every day, we don’t approve donors’ profiles for viewing unless their application has been fully completed and the important documents have been submitted. The time it takes to get all the necessary information varies from one donor to another, but it usually takes some weeks from the day the applicant files her application before her profile is included in our database. That aside, we also work together with you to make sure you get your ideal donor.
Yes, there are. That is why you need to share your gynecological/surgical/ medical history, as well as your sister’s, mom’s, and even grandmother’s. When it comes to fertility, women tend to mimic the female members of their family. Additionally, if you have had gynecological conditions like PCOS or endometriosis in the past, you will want to talk to a doctor sooner than later.
You lose the eggs if you don’t use them. This means that every single month, a group of eggs competes to be the one that is ovulated. The losers in the “the ovulation race” die off and are removed by the body. In a few words, freezing your eggs will not affect your future fertility, it will help you preserve some of your eggs that would’ve otherwise “died” for the future.
The doctor can perform an ovarian reserve and AMH test to have an idea of a woman’s fertility. At RSMC, we include a free ultrasound in our Fertility consultation.
Your levels of AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) can help us determine how many eggs you have left in your ovaries. For a fertile woman, the typical AMH level is between 1.5 to 4.0 ng/ml. Having a low AMH may indicate that your ovarian reserve is low. However, it does notimply that your egg quality is low.
For people transitioning from male to female, it’s very important to freeze your sperm before you commence the hormone replacement therapy. Feminizing hormones, such as estrogen, significantly affect your ability to father a child. Although the effects of some feminizing hormones are reversible, sterility may not be reversible.
If you were designated male at birth, freezing your sperm before any surgical or hormone therapy will give you the opportunity to use it later in the future. Frozen sperm can be safely stored for many years.
There are several factors to consider when assessing sperm quality, which may impact your decision regarding how many vials of semen to freeze. At Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, we will help you navigate this process through analysis and discussion.
As it is for transitioning transgender men, it’s also important for trans women to plan their fertility options ahead. Even though masculinizing hormones don’t result in irreversible sterility, egg freezing is more efficient when performed before commencing testosterone therapy. We partner with some of the best cryobanks in the world to offer you screenings for genetic abnormalities and transmittable diseases. Note that egg quality and quantity reduce with age. The younger the age you have your egg frozen, the higher your chance of a healthy pregnancy in the future. Freezing of eggs after the age of 37 is very unlikely to lead to a successful pregnancy.
If you were designated female at birth, cryopreserving your eggs before you start any hormone or surgical therapy enables you to use it later in the future. Egg freezing involves a fertility treatment cycle, followed by the retrieval of the eggs, after which the collected eggs are frozen for future use.
Once eggs are collected and frozen, they can be stored for many years without them declining in quality. So, you have plenty of time to decide what the next steps and choices would be, including who will carry the pregnancies and where to get sperm to fertilize the eggs.
Infertility can be treated with medicine, surgery, or assisted reproductive technology such as intra-uterine insemination, IVF, etc. Many times these treatments are combined. Doctors recommend specific treatments for infertility based on
• The factors contributing to the infertility.
• The duration of the infertility.
• The age of the female.
• The couple’s treatment preference after counseling about success rates, risks, and benefits of each treatment option.
Male infertility may be treated with medical, surgical, or assisted reproductive therapies depending on the underlying cause. Medical and surgical therapies are usually managed by a urologist who specializes in infertility & its treatments. A reproductive endocrinologist may offer intrauterine inseminations (IUIs) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help overcome male factor infertility.
Some common medicines used to treat infertility in women include—
• Clomiphene citrate (Clomid®*): A medicine that causes ovulation by acting on the pituitary gland. It is often used in women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or other problems with ovulation. This medicine is taken orally.
• Human menopausal gonadotropin or hMG (Repronex®*; Pergonal®*): Medicine often used for women who don’t ovulate because of problems with their pituitary gland—hMG acts directly on the ovaries to stimulate ovulation. It is an injected medicine.
• Follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH (Gonal-F®*; Follistim®*): Medicine that works much like hMG. It causes the ovaries to begin the process of ovulation. These medicines are usually injected.
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH): Medicine often used for women who don’t ovulate regularly each month. Women who ovulate before the egg is ready can also use these medicines. Gn-RH: Analogs that act on the pituitary gland to change when the body ovulates. These medicines are usually injected or given with a nasal spray.
• Metformin (Glucophage®*): A medicine doctors use for women who have insulin resistance and/or PCOS. This drug helps lower the high levels of male hormones in women with these conditions. This helps the body to ovulate. Sometimes clomiphene citrate or FSH is combined with metformin. This medicine is usually taken by mouth.
• Bromocriptine (Parlodel®*): A medicine used for women with ovulation problems because of high levels of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that causes milk production.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an infertility treatment that is often called artificial insemination. In this procedure, specially prepared sperm are inserted into the woman’s uterus. Sometimes the woman is also treated with medicine that stimulates ovulation before IUI.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) includes all fertility treatments in which both eggs and sperm are handled outside of the body. In general, ART procedures involve surgically removing eggs from a woman’s ovaries, combining them with sperm in the laboratory, and returning them to the woman’s body or donating them to another woman. The main type of ART is in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The success rates of fertility treatments vary and depend on many factors, including the clinic performing the procedure, the infertility diagnosis, and the age of the woman undergoing the procedure. This last factor—the woman’s age—is especially important when trying to become a parent.
According to the CDC’s 2011 Preliminary ART Success Rates, the average percentage of fresh, nondonor ART cycles that led to pregnancy were—
Please see RSMC success rates here….
Women using Donor Eggs: 58% fresh, and 68% frozen.
* 2 years combined (2011-2012)
Common ART procedures include—
This depends on whether or not infertility treatment has been purchased as a benefit. Some insurance providers may cover a portion of treatment if it is a medical necessity. Benefits vary by insurance policy. We always encourage our patients to reach out to their providers for an explanation of coverage.
Physician’s Surrogacy – the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, accepts both “in-network” and “out-of-network” insurance. We work with Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Healthnet, Tricare, and United Health Care. Before your consultation, we will verify your insurance benefits and review detailed coverage information at your consultation. In cases where insurance is not accepted, our coordinators will arrange for discounted cash pricing. In cases where your insurance plan is not accepted, or your insurance does not offer coverage, we will work with you to make fertility treatment expenses affordable.
Following your initial consultation, your physician will outline a treatment plan and the associated costs. The costs will vary depending on what type of treatment is recommended. We have several financing options if you don’t have insurance. Schedule a consultation now so we can discuss the costs.
Couples often find out that infertility diagnosis and certain treatments are covered by their insurance. However, IVF and others may be excluded. California is one of 13 states with an infertility mandate in place. This is a “soft” mandate, which gives employers the option to offer infertility benefits. Since it is not required, not many employers will purchase the coverage.
If your insurance coverage doesn’t include infertility benefits, consider speaking with your Human Resources representative to explore the possibility of adding infertility treatments to your benefits package.
Typically, PPO insurance does not require pre-authorization for an initial consultation. If your insurance requires a pre-authorization to see a specialist, then you must get a referral from your OB/GYN to see a fertility specialist. Pre-authorizations may also be needed for any testing, ultrasounds, or blood work. Your assistance in coordinating authorizations is important in order to protect you from the surprise of becoming financially responsible if they do not pay.
Here are some important questions to ensure that you have the right coverage for treatment:
We advise that you confirm your coverage with your insurance provider. While some insurance companies may cover diagnostic testing and doctor’s visits, theywon’t cover treatment cycles unless there’s evidence of infertility. Our in-house financial coordinators will help you determine your out-of-pocket expenses once your insurance coverage has been confirmed. Even in cases wherethere’s noinsurance fertility coverage, we work together with each patient to optimize the available coverage and reduce the fertility expenses.
After your initial consultation, your doctor will create a treatment plan and give you the associated costs. The costs will vary based on the type of treatment being recommended for you. Fortunately, there are several financing options and additional rate plans you can consider even if you don’t health insurance. Contact our fertility center for more information.
The costs vary based on your individual circumstances and your preferences regarding things, like your surrogate. Factors that can affect pricing include the surrogate’s location, the experience of the surrogate, multiple pregnancies, etc. The good news is that we offer consultations to all our potential clients. During this consultation, you will get to know the available pricing plans, discuss the process, and get answers to any questions you may have. You can click here for more information about financing your journey to parenthood.
1. Yes, there is. At the surrogacy agency, we provide the same financial assistance to all of our intended parents! We offer financial counseling and various financial packages to our hopeful parents who are undergoing fertility treatment.
2. Our team can provide you with customized pricing depending on your personal circumstances and preferences.
Birth control pills prevent ovulation. Therefore you will have to stop taking them before you begin the egg freezing process. You can start using them again after your egg retrieval. However, if you are using an IUD (intrauterine device), you will not need to remove it during the egg freezing process.
If you have been using birth control patches or pills for a long time, we usually suggest thatyou stop using them for a month before commencing the egg freezing process. This is because these pills make your ovaries go to sleep. So, in order to increase your ovaries’ response to fertility drugs, we give them one month extra to “wake up.” It’s not wrong or bad if you don’t want to stop the pill, but doing so can make the egg freezing cycle longer, as you may need extra days of medication to get your ovaries into full swing.
Now is the best time to freeze your eggs. If you come to us at 38, do it at that very moment – instead of thinking about it for a year and then doing it when you turn 39. The same applies to a woman who contacts us at 30. Your eggs are more viable at 30 than they are at 34. So if you are considering egg freezing, now is the time to go for it. Although you can freeze your eggs at any reproductive age, there is an age (typically 42 and above) wherethe ability of yourovaries to produce chromosomally normal eggs is greatly reduced,and you may not get the result you’re hoping for.
Sadly, we cannot. We can only tell you whether your eggs are mature or not. While a mature egg doesn’t ensure it is of good quality, it does mean that it is ready to be fertilized. Although there are some parameters that indicate good egg quality, we are unable to say anything about the health of an egg until it has been fertilized by a sperm.
Although it is good to live a healthy life, your eggs have been with you your whole life. Therefore, making changes to your lifestyle won’t change the quality of your eggs. Smoking is the only exception here – smoking is bad for your eggs! The earlier you stop smoking, the better.
There is no exact number or rule when it comes to the number of eggs to freeze. It depends on your age, family history, previous gynecological/medical history and especially the quality of eggs. The number is individualized and must be determined by your fertility doctor, depending on your circumstances.
Some patients experience discomfort and bloating during ovarian stimulation. The egg retrieval process is carried out under mild sedation and is pain-free. After the egg retrieval, you may have some mild pain that can be relieved with over-the-counter pain medications.
In very rare cases (1 to 5%), OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) may occur during ovarian stimulation. This condition is characterized by swollen ovaries and the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. You may also experience nausea, spotting, and cramping for a few days after the egg retrieval similar to the side effects you have during your monthly menstrual cycle.
A gestational Surrogate, also known as a carrier, is a woman who agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another couple or individual. During this surrogacy arrangement, the eggs used to produce embryos are not donated by the Surrogate. Since the eggs will be harvested from one woman and transferred into another, this technique involves the use of IVF (in vitro fertilization). IVF is a procedure in which female eggs are fertilized in the lab and some of the healthy embryos formed are transferred into the Surrogate’s womb.
A gestational carrier is used when a hopeful parent wishes to have a baby and either lacks a womb or is suffering from a health condition that would make carrying a pregnancy harmful. In addition, a Surrogate may be recommended for women with a history that indicates an issue with her womb, like repeated pregnancy losses or IVF failures or when there is no female partner (i.e., single men or gay couple).
Anybody can. At the surrogacy agency, we are willing to help you actualize your parenthood dream, regardless of your gender identity, sexual orientation, or marital status. Our surrogates come from US states that have friendly legislation and do not exclusively limit surrogacy to conventional family models. This means that unlike in some other countries where surrogacy is allowed, anybody can become parents with our California-based, physician-managed agency. Other countries don’t allow same-sex couples, single parents, unwedded couples, or intended parents who require a double donor to have a baby via surrogacy. This is the reason why the United States is a go-to destination for surrogacy journeys for intended parents all around the globe. Surrogacy can be a good option for homosexual couples and single parents to grow their families.
The duration of this process depends on a number of factors. We usually inform hopeful parents to plan on one and a half year from the day they register with our agency until they have a baby. However, it can take longer or be quicker based on the course of the IVF treatment and the legal requirements that are involved.
Your surrogacy journey starts with a initial consultation with our highly-experienced team. During this consultation, you will have the chance to tell us your fertility story and why you have decided to pursue surrogacy to build your family. We will also discuss our surrogacy process, available pricing plans, and answer any questions you may have. Depending on your circumstances and preferences, our team will give you an accurate price estimate and an idea of what will be involved in your surrogacy process. You can click here to sign up for one.
There is no straightforward answer to this question since the total cost is dependent on a lot of factors. Hence, intended parents need to have a complete understanding of the various services needed during surrogacy and the average base pay for Surrogates. This will help you to fully understand the overall cost of surrogacy. At our physician-managed agency, we take great pride in the transparency of our services and pricing. We are going to give you a precise price quotation immediately after the consultation, and the quotation will depend on your situation and preferences.
There are many factors that impact the success rates of a surrogacy pregnancy, such as the health of the surrogate and the embryos’ viability and health. At surrogacy agency, we make sure that all surrogates are already screened before they are presented to intended parents. We, as your IVF clinic, can help you to determine your best chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Couples often find out that infertility diagnosis and certain treatments are covered by their insurance. However, IVF and others may be excluded. California is one of 13 states with an infertility mandate in place. This is a “soft” mandate, which gives employers the option to offer infertility benefits. Since it is not required, not many employers will purchase the coverage. Since your employer makes the final decisions about health insurance, it might be a good idea to speak with your Human Resources representative to find out what it would take to have infertility treatments included in your benefits package.
Other options include personal savings, loans from your 401k retirement fund, fertility grants, credit cards, second mortgage or loan against the equity in the house or fertility specific financing. We can give you more information during your complimentary financial consultation.
Following your initial consultation, your physician will outline an infertility treatment plan and the associated costs. Costs will vary depending on what type of treatment is recommended. There are additional rate plans available as well as several financing options. Contact our office for more details.
A key part of ensuring a great family-building experience as a same-sex, gay couple is finding a supportive agency whose practices are really affirming and whose policies suit your family’s needs. surrogacy agency works with all intended parents and makes sure that you receive the professional care you need. We are actively taking additional steps to make members of the LGBT community feel welcome at our clinic. All of our patient-facing staff undergoes LGBT training for family-building clinicians to better support the millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer patients who are planning on starting their family.
Egg donation and IVF and Gestational Surrogate:
IVF is utilized to control the female’s ovulatory process, harvesting eggs from the ovaries of the donor and fertilizing them with sperm outside the body. The embryos formed are then transferred to the surrogate mother’s womb with the aim of achieving a healthy pregnancy.
1. Of course, yes. There are several options for a gay family to achieve this. A female relative of one of the gay partners (for example, a sister) could donate the eggs, which would then be “combined” with the other partner’s sperm. This way, the baby would have genetic ties with both of them.
2. Another option is to split that sperm between eggs to produce embryos for each partner.
Due to the regulations stipulated by the FDA, bloodwork may be needed when collecting the semen for the IVF procedure. Additionally, twp specific physical examinations will need to be carried out by your PCP. In case one or both of the partners are suffering from a transmittable disease, like HIV, you’ll be referred to a special laboratory for semen processing.
At Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, we offer various family building options to enable HIV+ couples and singles to have a biologically-related baby.
Yes, it’s important that both partners are present at the doctor’s visit, no matter whose sperm is being used.
A gestational Surrogate is a woman who becomes pregnant using an embryo created by the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Pregnancy may be achieved using the mother’s eggs and the father’s sperm. Donor eggs or donor sperm can also be used. There will be no genetic relation to the Surrogate.
Yes. If you do not have health insurance, a Surrogate-specific medical plan may be purchased for you by the intended parents for the duration of your pregnancy. Bills are handled through cash-pay by our medical billing department.
Yes. We believe single mothers are just as capable of being Surrogates as a woman who is married. If you are single, it is very important that you have some type of support system in place prior to committing to any Surrogate program.
Our surrogate mothers need to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of the life that is growing inside of them. During this process, we ask you to stay in regular communication with us and inform us of any appointments or pregnancy-related questions.
If you are uncertain about the laws in your state regarding surrogacy, please call our office to speak with an expert.
No, you will NOT be biologically related to the baby that you are carrying for the Intended Parents. As a Gestational Surrogate, your eggs will NOT be used. It will be the eggs of either the Intended Mother or the Egg Donor that is being used.
Your name and your husband/spouse’s name will NOT be on the birth certificate. The Intended Parents will be the ones who will have full parental rights to the baby and it will be their names that appears on the birth certificate.
The amount of contact varies case by case. Contact is determined by the Surrogate Mother and the Intended Parent(s)’ preferences identified during the match. Some cultures are a little more closed off than others; however, the relationship and communication develops as the journey progresses.
Some women are unable to get pregnant using their own eggs (oocytes). Egg Donation is a standard fertility treatment option for patients dealing with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), absent ovaries, genetic issues, poor response to fertility drugs, reduced ovarian reserve, or previous medical or surgical treatment. Also, embryo quality decreases with increasing age, making the use of donor eggs an attractive option for patients above the age of 40.
Our egg donation program is committed to offering the best options for patients who need donor eggs. Our aim is to help hopeful parents actualize their dream of having a baby through another woman’s wonderful gift. At the moment, we organize both fresh and frozen egg donor cycles. To find out if using donor eggs would be the right option for you, click here to schedule a consultation.
Of course, yes. At the surrogacy agency, egg donations are carried out anonymously. You, as the egg recipient, will get full information about the potential donor and her medical history together with that of her family. We think it’s important that the donor feels a connection to you and the egg donation journey so that she can be more dedicated to the process.
It’s your prerogative whether or not you choose to let others know about this, including the resulting babies. However, we suggest that you share this information with your obstetrician/gynecologist as he/she will be in charge of your care once you leave our clinic.
Unless the profile is marked with a “Coming Soon” sign all of our eggs are frozen and are available for immediate use. We can have them transferred to the clinic of your choice immediately after purchase.
There are a lot of perks that come with getting eggs from an egg bank. The egg donor has already been screened, and the eggs are already frozen. Plus, it’s cheaper to obtain eggs from an egg bank than to undergo a fresh donor cycle. Using a fresh egg donor cycle requires a lot more planning due to your cycle (or your surrogates’) having to be synchronized with that of the egg donor. There is also the risk of the donor failing the medical screening or poor quality of eggs being harvested from a fresh donor.
Yes. A lot of clinics provide some kind of genetic screening, like preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), etc. If you want to do genetic testing on the embryos, then they need to be frozen until the results are out.
It usually takes a longer time to be matched with a gestational carrier than to find an egg donor. A lot of intended parents prefer to find the egg bank and egg donor to carry out the egg retrieval while still waiting to be matched with a Surrogate mother. This will give the parents peace of mind, knowing that they have frozen embryos that are ready for use when the Surrogate completes her screening. If you will be doing genetic testing on the embryos, it’s required that you have the embryos frozen until the results are known. So, you don’t have any reason to wait until you’re matched with a Surrogate mother before you purchase your egg cohort.
Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) is a test that is used to determine the number of chromosomes in an embryo. It is designed to check for chromosomal changes that can prevent the embryo from implanting or lead to a miscarriage.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), on the other hand, is designed to check for mutations that cause disease, like, Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington’s Disease, etc. PGD is customized to each patient’s case and can help eliminate or (substantially lower) the risk of transferring a dangerous mutation from parent to offspring.
Depending on the laboratory, it can take between 12 hours to 30 days to get the results of PGD and PGS testing. The report is then forwarded to your fertility doctor who will advise you on which embryos are genetically normal and are more likely to result in a healthy pregnancy.
Undergoing PGD or PGS can raise the chances of a successful pregnancy and significantly lower the likelihood of a genetic disease. Pre-natal diagnostic testing can be carried out to verify the results from PGD or PGS after conception has been achieved.
If you would like to know whether you are a candidate for genetic testing, please click here to schedule a consultation with our fertility specialist.
In this case, the best next step is to consult with a fertility endocrinologist to talk about your options. Some fertility treatments can still be done when hormone therapy is stopped. At Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, our physicians take pride in offering a wide range of options to help you achieve your dreams of building a family. You can click here to discuss your options with one of our experienced medical professionals.
Unfortunately, no one knows the answer to this question. This is something you would have to explore with a reputable doctor. Our doctors are a great resource in providing excellent options depending on your circumstances. You can click this link to get started.
We know that each individual situation is different. Pausing hormonal can be mentally distressing. It’s not easy, and timelines vary from one person to another. Whether or not you want to stop HRT, we advise that you see a therapist along with your reproductive endocrinologist.
If the testicles are removed, sperm will no longer be produced. Similarly, egg production will also stop if the ovaries are removed. Since these surgeries involve the removal of testicles and ovaries, respectively, you would need to consider the transgender fertility option of using an egg or sperm donor.
In general, infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year of unprotected sex. Impaired fecundity is a condition related to infertility and refers to women who have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term.
Yes. About 6% of married women 15–44 years of age in the United States are unable to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex (infertility). Also, about 11% of women 15–44 years of age in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term, regardless of marital status (impaired fecundity).
No, infertility is not always a woman’s problem. Both men and women contribute to infertility. Many couples struggle with infertility and seek help to become pregnant; however, it is often thought of as only a woman’s condition. A CDC study analyzed data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor during their lifetime—this equals 3.3–4.7 million men. Of the men who sought help, 18% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem, including sperm or semen problems (14%) and varicocele (6%).
Infertility in men can be caused by a variety of factors prompting them to seek fertility treatments to become a parent. A specialist will evaluate the number of sperm (concentration), motility (movement), and morphology (shape). A slightly abnormal semen analysis does not mean that a man is necessarily infertile. Instead, a semen analysis helps determine if and how male factors are contributing to infertility.
Conditions that can contribute to abnormal semen analyses include:
Women need functioning ovaries, fallopian tubes, and a uterus to get pregnant. Conditions affecting any one of these organs can contribute to female infertility. Some of these conditions are listed below and can be evaluated using a number of different tests.
Female fertility is known to decline with age. Many women are waiting until their 30s and 40s to have children. In fact, about 20% of women in the United States now have their first child after age 35, and this leads to age becoming a growing cause of fertility problems that bar them from becoming a parent. About one-third of couples in which the woman is older than 35 years have fertility problems. Aging not only decreases a woman’s chances of having a baby but also increases her chances of miscarriage and of having a child with a genetic abnormality.
Aging decreases a woman’s chances of having a baby in the following ways—
• Her ovaries become less able to release eggs.
• She has a smaller number of eggs left.
• Her eggs are not as healthy.
• She is more likely to have health conditions that can cause fertility problems.
• She is more likely to have a miscarriage.
• Smoking.
• Excessive alcohol use.
• Extreme weight gain or loss.
• Excessive physical or emotional stress that results in amenorrhea (absent periods).
Most experts suggest at least one year for women younger than age 35. However, women aged 35 years or older should see a healthcare provider after 6 months of trying unsuccessfully. A woman’s chances of having a baby decrease rapidly every year after the age of 30.
Some health problems also increase the risk of infertility, so women should talk to a healthcare provider if they have the following issues and require infertility treatments.
It is a good idea for any woman and her partner to talk to a healthcare provider before trying to get pregnant. They can help a woman prepare her body for carrying a pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby, and can also answer questions on fertility and give tips on conceiving.
Fertility doctors will begin by collecting a medical and sexual history from both partners. The initial evaluation usually includes a semen analysis, a tubal evaluation, and ovarian reserve testing.
Surrogacy agency accepts both “in-network” and “out of network” insurance. We work with Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Healthnet, Tricare, and United Health Care. Prior to your consultation we will verify your insurance benefits and review detailed coverage information at your consultation. In cases where insurance is not accepted, our coordinators will arrange for discounted cash pricing. In cases where your insurance plan is not accepted or your insurance does not offer coverage, we are able to work with each patient one on one to make fertility expenses affordable.
This depends whether or not infertility has been purchased as a benefit. Some insurance providers may cover a portion of treatment if it is a medical necessity. Benefits vary by insurance policy. We always encourage our patients to reach out to their provider for an explanation of coverage.
Typically, PPO insurance does not require pre-authorization for an initial consultation. If your insurance requires a pre-authorization to see a specialist, then you must get a referral from you OB/GYN to see a fertility specialist. Pre-authorizations may also be needed for any testing, ultrasounds, or blood work. Your assistance in coordinating authorizations is important in order to protect you from the surprise of becoming financially responsible if they do not pay.
Here are some important questions to ensure that you have the right coverage for treatment:
1. Does my insurance cover diagnostic evaluation for infertility (lab work, ultrasound, etc.)?
2. Do they cover physician, hospital, and lab charges?
3. Is treatment for infertility such as IUI or IVF covered?
4. What is my co-payment?
5. Are injectable or oral medications covered (Clomid, Lupron, etc.)?
6. Do I need to use a specific contracted pharmacy?
7. Do I need to us a specific contracted laboratory?
The intended parents also need to do a comprehensive history and physical exam to ensure that they are medically “okay” to undergo the IVF procedures. Additionally, the parents need to be screened for genetic disorders, like cystic fibrosis.
The prospective parents are checked for infectious diseases that can be transferred to the surrogate. The screening is performed through blood tests, physical examinations, and questionnaires. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required that this testing is done within a month of the egg retrieval and within a week of collecting the sperm. Although these tests don’t completely remove the risk of transmission, they significantly reduce them. The surrogate should also be advised that embryos could be frozen and stored for six months to retest the hopeful parents. However, this may lower the chances of achieving pregnancy.
Sure. Intended parents who are living with HIV can build their families through surrogacy, thanks to the Special Program of Assisted Reproduction (SPAR). Through HIV testing and a sperm preparation technique, HIV-positive men can safely father a genetically-related baby without any risk to the child or surrogate mother.
Yes, it’s recommended that intended parents receive counseling from a mental health expert. The counselor needs to assess the couple for any untreated psychological issues, addictions, or abuse. The evaluation should also address the couple’s expectations and relationship with the surrogate and include plans for any future relationship with her post-delivery.
Due to a legal principle called jus soli, babies who are born in the US are automatically eligible for American citizenship and passports, no matter the citizenship of their parents. Hence, most parents who pursue US surrogacy can go back home with their baby without first getting a passport from their own country. However, some international intended parents might decide to or be asked to get temporary visas or passports for their babies at a consulate in the US before they can go back home after the delivery. It’s important that hopeful parents check with immigration lawyers in their home countries for information regarding the best procedures for taking their children back home. At the surrogacy agency, we will help you obtain an American passport through our partners, who are very good at navigating the US passport system.
If you don’t live in the US, you will need to come here only once or twice (for the production of the embryos at the fertility clinic and the birth of the baby), but most international intended parents visit the US about four times during the process. Since each case is different, we do our best to adjust to your individual circumstances. We also have other international intended parents who have their embryos, eggs, or sperm transported to the US. That saves them one trip and we will help with all the transportation arrangements.
This depends on the medical procedures and the legal work required in the state where the baby was born. Generally, we suggest that intended parents plan on going back home after 2 to 4 weeks to allow enough time for DNA testing, legal proceedings, issuance of the baby’s certificate, and application for visas or passports for the child. We will help you navigate through this process. Based on the legal work required, you may be able to return home sooner.
The type of information that intended parents can typically know about an egg donor varies depending on the egg donation program or agency. However, in general, intended parents may be able to access the following information about an egg donor:
All of our donors go through strict medical and psychological screening that ensures they do not have any genetic screening or their family had any medical condition running in the family.
Your client relations expert will let you know any performance history we have on an Egg Donor if such information is available. You can also know if the donor has had her own babies during that discussion.
No. Egg Donors sign a legal agreement that clearly mentions they will not claim custodial rights to the children born using their donated eggs.
Each potential donor has to meet our comprehensive and thorough screening requirements to be qualified to donate. A lot of testing is conducted, including a physical examination, psychological testing, genetic testing, drug testing, and testing for communicable diseases.
We get our donors from all around the world based on our hopeful parents’ demands. However, most of our donors live here in the USA or in Taiwan.
All your surrogacy funds are going to be held in a trust account managed by an experienced escrow company. This is to ensure that all monies due for surrogate reimbursements and fees are paid on time. Lastly, we will be in charge of all financial issues. This arrangement helps eliminate the payment-related part from your relationship with the hopeful parents during the surrogacy process.
Surrogacy laws vary from one US state to the other. Only a few states prohibit the practice, but among those that permit surrogacy arrangements, some have friendlier legislation than others. Hopeful parents should be able to go for surrogacy, provided they work with a gestational carrier in a state where the practice is legal. We have a big pool of surrogates who reside in states that are regarded as surrogacy-friendly.
No matter where you and your gestational carrier reside, every surrogacy arrangement must have a legally binding contract. You and your surrogate mother will each have your lawyer who will help draft the contract and make sure your interests are well represented and your rights, are protected. The surrogacy contract will include the surrogate compensation, likely risks, and the rights and responsibilities of each party.
At the surrogacy agency, we are here to help you navigate every single step of your parenthood journey. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding becoming a parent via surrogacy.
Surrogacy usually gives one or both intended parents the chance to share genetic ties with the baby. If you are an intended father with viable, healthy sperm or an intended mother with healthy eggs, your biological material can be utilized to produce the embryo. Most times, this permits both heterosexual couples to be the biological parents of their baby.
No, the birth certificate will bear your name. You, the intended parent, will be the one with full parental rights over the baby.
When using a Surrogate, medical care costs are a big concern for most Intended Parents. To eliminate this concern, we offer Universal Insurance to cover all medical expenses. This minimizes out-of-pocket costs for the Intended Parents. The Surrogate will be enrolled in an insurance plan that covers all medical expenses associated with her pregnancy. Costs included: physician’s visits, ultrasounds, surgical procedures, and other related expenses. With our policy, the Surrogate can choose their own physician and hospital, giving them access to the best possible medical care.
You can look for both simultaneously. It’s advisable to find a Surrogate first as it usually takes less time to get a donor and produce the embryos. However, if you choose to look for a Surrogate first, you may have to pay her in order to keep her on hold while you search for an egg donor.
1. Surrogates need to be within a certain age range
2. Be a non-smoker
3. Have an ideal BMI
4. Have carried at least one successful pregnancy without complications in the past
5. Have not been convicted of a felony
6. Be able to attend doctor appointments
7. Submit information about your medical and drug history
You are free to choose a known egg donor! Some hopeful parents already have someone they want to be their donors, like a sister or a close friend. However, we still suggest that you create a contract that addresses any likely complications than can result when using a known egg donor. The medical profile of the chosen donor will be submitted to our team to find out if she’s suitable to donate eggs. Screening will then be carried out as it is with anonymous donors. Click here to find out if someone you know is eligible to be an egg donor.
Of course, you may decide to use a family member or friend as a Surrogate mother. If you want to use an anonymous Surrogate, there are a lot of agencies out there that can help you through the process. Women who have had at least one healthy pregnancy and childbirth in the past are eligible to be Surrogates. They also need to be medically and psychologically healthy, show that they are financially stable, and be cleared to go ahead by our highly experienced doctor.
Definitely! Our in-house surrogacy program gives you the advantage of being presented with Surrogates who meet doctor-established criteria and have undergone extensive medical evaluations to be accepted into our program. For more info on our gestational surrogacy program, please click here.
Yes, you can! We’d be happy to assist you. In Our egg bank, we have quality donor eggs already frozen and ready to be used.
We further have a very extensive egg donor database that you can use to find an egg donor that meets all of your requirements/preferences. You can find out more about our egg donor options here.
A normal pregnancy and a surrogate pregnancy are very similar. There are no additional risks with a surrogate pregnancy. Please consult with your OB if you have questions.
Yes you can! The fallopian tubes are not used, instead, the embryo(s) are placed directly into the Surrogate’s uterus during the embryo transfer phase.
Injections are required in order to prepare your uterus for the embryo transfer. Our medical team will provide a calendar with a clear timetable and dosages. Typically, injections are required through the first trimester. Our support team is always here to answer any questions you may have.
Yes, provided your OB accepts the health insurance plan being utilized for the pregnancy. Many surrogates return to the physician that delivered their own children.
Being overweight does not necessarily disqualify you from being a surrogate. The IVF physician that performs your medical evaluation will make this determination. If you are considered to be obese, you may not qualify. If this is a concern for you, please call our office and speak with a representative.
After the first trimester, you will be released to your own local OB. They will oversee your medical care for the remainder of your pregnancy. If you need a new OB, we can provide a list of recommendations. You will be able to deliver at the hospital of your choice.
PGD is a specialized technique that is used for genetic testing of an embryo prior to its transfer. If a genetic disease runs in your family, we can perform PGD during IVF to select embryos without the disease for transfer, minimizing the risk of transferring it to your babies.
Every hopeful parent can benefit from embryo genetic testing. It raises the success chances of a fertility treatment cycle and makes sure you transfer a genetically normal embryo. If you aren’t sure whether you should do genetic screening, please click here to schedule a consultation with our fertility expert.
Chromosomal conditions are usually caused by changes in the number or structure of the chromosomes, i.e., having additional or missing genetic material. Severe chromosome issues can cause miscarriage or inability to get pregnant. If a child with a chromosomal abnormality is born, he/she might have mental retardation and developmental problems. Women older than 35 are at higher risk of having pregnancies affected with chromosomal disorders. A genetic condition occurs when one of the person’s genes is not functioning properly. There are various types of genetic conditions. Hopeful couples who are at risk of having a pregnancy that’s affected with a genetic condition are good candidates for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
After you have completed an IVF cycle, we are going to take some cells from the embryos and check them for the particular genetic condition or illness. Embryos that don’t have this condition can then be transferred.
PSG is a specialized diagnostic technique to check for chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. It helps identify which of the embryos is best for transfer.
PGS is often recommended for women with two or more consecutive pregnancy losses, women who are older or whose ovaries are not working properly, or those who have had several fertility treatment failures.
Some hopeful parents may also decide to undergo PGS testing for personal reasons. If you aren’t sure whether you should opt for genetic screening, please click here to schedule a consultation with our fertility expert.
The human body is composed of cells and within these cells are chromosomes. Chromosomes are threadlike structures in the cells that contain our genetic material (also known as genes). Our genes consist of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and include the information that enables our bodies to grow and work properly. Our genes and chromosomes are inherited from our parents through the sperm and egg.
If you decide to do PGS, you will first undergo an IVF cycle to produce embryos. We will then remove some cells from each embryo for genetic testing.
An embryo biopsy involves the removal of a small number of cells from the outermost layer of a day five embryo. At this developmental stage, the embryo is referred to as a blastocyst, so the technique may also be called a blastocyst biopsy.
You don’t have to worry about your embryos being damaged as a result of PGS testing. Blastocyst biopsy and embryo micromanipulation procedures are performed in fertility laboratories all around the world and have been employed in genetic cases for many years. Studies conducted so far have indicated that these procedures are 100% safe and do not cause any increased risk to babies born from “tested” embryos.
As women’s age increases, the number of eggs with chromosomal abnormalities also increases. PGS is carried out to check embryos for these abnormalities before they are transferred. The number one reason for IVF failure is chromosomal disorders of the transferred embryos, which often lead to miscarriage. By carrying out PGS, we can make sure the embryos are genetically normal before they are transferred, thereby significantly lowering the chance of pregnancy loss during the first three months of conception.
If you aren’t sure whether you are a good candidate for genetic screening, please click here to schedule a consultation so our fertility expert can give you some guidance.
We take the privacy of our Egg Donors very seriously. Nearly all of our donors are anonymous. In rare cases the donor and the Intended Parents choose to meet. Any private information provided through applications, interviews or other documents are all confidential.
They will have your first name, donor number, and public information such as age, height, education, health and family history information.
No. Unless there is a special request (which is rare), by the IPs to meet you, and you agree, there will not be any contact with the IPs.
Unless it is a special situation, you will have minimal information. You may only know whether the IPs are a single parent or a couple. In some cases, the sex of the parent(s).
The decision about notifying you of a pregnancy is up to the Intended Parents. Typically, they are okay with divulging the results, but some are not.
Yes. There will be a contract between you and the Intended Parents. This will outline your compensation for egg donation and emphasize that you will have no parental rights from any children born as a result of this donation. We provide you with independent legal counsel.
Although the timeline depends on the individual’s situation, the egg freezing process typically takes six weeks for most patients. This includes initial consultation, screening, and treatment planning.
The egg freezing process involves three main steps. First, you will require a fertility assessment, which involves blood tests and an ultrasound, so that the doctor can know your present fertility status. Next, you are going to inject yourself with medication that will encourage your ovaries to produce as many viable eggs as possible. The last step is the egg retrieval process, where your eggs will be collected and then frozen.
You can freeze eggs for as long as you want since frozen eggs don’t have an expiration date.
The best way to freeze your eggs is through a method known as vitrification. In this case, the eggs are quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen. This quick-freezing method prevents fluid in the eggs from turning to ice, which can cause damage during thawing.
The other method of freezing eggs is known as controlled or slow freezing, in which the eggs are frozen more slowly. Since eggs frozen using the slow-freezing method are more likely to form ice crystals and have lower survival rates, nearly all major clinics now perform vitrification.
Your eggs can be shipped to any clinic after they are frozen. However, we prefer shipping frozen eggs within the CCRM network in order to be sure of the thawing methods. An advantage of this is that CCRM is a big network with fertility clinics all across the country, so it shouldn’t be an issue.
The procedures needed for surrogacy depend on your situation and whether or not you are using donor eggs. If your eggs or that of your partner will be used to create the embryos, you will need to take fertility medications to promote egg production in the ovaries. You will then undergo a minimally invasive egg retrieval procedure at the appropriate time.
After the eggs are collected either from an egg donor or the intended mother, they are going to be fertilized with a donor’s sperm or the intended father’s sperm. The resulting embryos are incubated and evaluated for development before they are transferred to the womb of the surrogate.
Following the embryo transfer, the surrogate will undergo various tests to confirm that pregnancy has been achieved. The carrier will start to receive payments once a healthy fetal heartbeat is heard a few months after the transfer. It’s important that you offer continuous emotional support to your surrogate during the pregnancy and be with her every single step of the process.
You can have your frozen embryos stored at our fertility clinic. If your own family is full, we will advise you on what to do with your embryos. If you would like to remove your embryos from storage, we can help you in the process. If you want, you can make use of your frozen embryos for surrogacy in the future.
A lot of our Surrogates already have an OB/GYN (obstetrician/gynecologist) they work with, and many are going to give birth at the same hospital where they deliver their own babies. All Surrogate mothers will give birth at a hospital close to their home. The decision on where to deliver the baby is usually made together with the obstetrician/gynecologist and the insurance firm, which may have some hospitals they approve. In some cases, our legal team will suggest that delivery take place at a particular hospital.
Intended Parents often want to witness the labor and childbirth process. Your Surrogate’s comfort and the policy of the hospital determine who will be present with the gestational carrier in the delivery room. After the baby is born, he or she will be placed in the nursery or a room given to you. According to the policies of most hospitals, the intended parents cannot take the baby home until the Surrogate has been discharged.
Childbirth is a wonderful, life-changing event for both the intended parents and the surrogate. In most cases, the hopeful parents will meet the surrogate at the clinic for this remarkable experience.
After the birth of the baby and the gestational surrogate is released from the clinic, the new family and the carrier can go back to their home – the intended parents with their bundle of joy and the surrogate mother with the satisfaction of gifting the wonderful gift of parenthood to someone in need. The connection between the new family and the surrogate will last forever, and they may choose to maintain this relationship throughout the baby’s life. We will also help foster this relationship and offer continued support that is required after the surrogacy journey.
We’ll review your COMPLETED application within 1-3 business days and let you know if you meet the initial criteria. If you do, we’ll schedule your brief egg donor phone interview. During your interview, we’ll discuss how the egg donation process works and answer any questions you may have.
Yes. If you have a friend or family member that is willing to do the injections for you, that is also an option.
It depends on the doctor’s protocol. Each person is a little different. Typically, it’s 10-12 days.
Once you are matched, it can take 3 to 4 months before your egg retrieval (depending on several variables).
Once you submit your application, you will hear from us within 72 hours if you qualify. If you can be accepted into our program we will ask you to complete an interview with us. During that interview you learn more about the process and get answers on any questions you may have.
Everyone is different. Some retrievals will result in 2 eggs, some will result in 20 or more. It depends on your body and how your body reacts to the medications.
You will travel to our location in San Diego, California. All costs will be paid upfront by us. All travel arrangements (flights, hotels, etc.) will be booked by us. You will only have to travel for the egg retrieval (7-9 days).
All the appointments in between will be done at a center local to you. If you are an international donor, you will only have to travel once, the duration of your trip will last 18-21 days to complete your donation cycle.
You may experience some cramping, bloating, or soreness/tenderness. We can prescribe pain medication as necessary, but we encourage rest and relaxation! We are also able to provide a physician’s note for school/work so you are afforded sufficient time to focus on recovery. Your coordinators on the Egg Donation and IVF Team will be maintaining communication to provide medical care as needed.
Reminder – recovery looks different for everybody, but regardless, you won’t be on your own!
During the procedure (the egg retrieval), you will be put under anesthesia for about 20-30 minutes. The eggs are drawn out of follicles with gentle suction from the help of ultrasound images. It is the same procedure that women undergo who freeze their eggs or go through IVF (in vitro fertilization) to get pregnant.
Unlike other egg programs, the process with our egg bank is very fast. You don’t need to wait to be matched with an Intended Parent. If your application is approved and selected by us we will let you know immediately and coordinate your egg retrieval process. Depending on your availability the entire process is 1-2 months.
Unlike other egg programs, the process with our egg bank is very fast. You don’t need to wait to be matched with an Intended Parent. If your application is approved and selected by us we will let you know immediately and coordinate your egg retrieval process. Depending on your availability the entire process is 1-2 months.
Our physician recommends bed rest for at least 24 hours.
Everyone is different. Some retrievals will result in 2 eggs, some will result in 20 or more. It depends on your body and how your body reacts to the medications.
There is no study showing that being an egg donor will affect your fertility in the future. The average woman is born with 2 million eggs. By puberty, that pool consists of about 400,000 follicles (eggs). From these, only 400 will reach maturity and be ovulated. This leaves approximately 399,600 unused. In a typical cycle a woman generally produces 15-20 eggs. Usually, only one egg is released for ovulation and the body discards the rest. During our ovarian stimulation process, we develop the extra eggs that would otherwise be destroyed. This explains why the normal pool of ovarian follicles is not depleted by egg donation.
The majority of our Egg Donors do donate multiple times because they find the process to be fulfilling and relatively easy. Egg donors are able to donate around 3 times per year, depending on the length of the process for each cycle. The maximum according to ASRM is 6 times. Our physicians can help determine this number on an individual basis.
Yes, the egg donation process is very safe with over 20,000 cycles being performed in the United States annually it is considered a routine procedure. The risks of egg donation are relatively low, with serious problems being uncommon.
“There are no long-term adverse risks of IVF” or egg donation,” said Richard J. Paulson, president of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), and head of the infertility program at the University of Southern California – one of the nation’s oldest egg donor programs.
During the procedure (the egg retrieval), you will be put to sleep for about 20-30 minutes, so you will not feel anything. Following the procedure, some may experience mild cramping and bloating. You may or may not experience some of the symptoms.
Every person is different, so the effects of the process will vary, but if you feel pain – relax, it is definitely more than manageable.
There is no study showing that being an egg donor will affect your fertility in the future. The average woman is born with 2 million eggs. By puberty, that pool consists of about 400,000 follicles (eggs). From these, only 400 will reach maturity and be ovulated. This leaves approximately 399,600 unused. In a typical cycle a woman generally produces 15-20 eggs. Usually, only one egg is released for ovulation and the body discards the rest. During our ovarian stimulation process, we develop the extra eggs that would otherwise be destroyed. This explains why the normal pool of ovarian follicles is not depleted by egg donation.
You may speak directly with one of our physicians if you would like to discuss this further.
The majority of our Egg Donors do donate multiple times because they find the process to be fulfilling and relatively easy. Egg donors are able to donate around 3 times per year, depending on the length of the process for each cycle. The maximum according to ASRM is 6 times. Our physicians can help determine this number on an individual basis.
You will need to have two regular periods between cycles or wait 2 months.
Our physician recommends bed rest for at least 24 hours.
To donate eggs, your BMI must be within a healthy range according to guidelines set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Even if it is not the most accurate scale, it does help to estimate a healthy weight-height distribution. In order to compensate for its slight discrepancy, we do accept donors that are considered slightly overweight according to the BMI scale. The reason we have to adhere to these guidelines is that if your BMI is high, your natural fertility may be affected, making the process of egg donation too risky for you. You may not respond well to the necessary ovarian stimulation needed for egg donation. It’s our responsibility to make sure all our egg donors are healthy and well enough to donate eggs. Your safety is our main concern which is why these guidelines are in place.
No, you can not be an egg donor when you are pregnant. You can also not be an egg donor while you are still breastfeeding. However, you can still fill out the pre-screen application to see whether you would be eligible. That way you can find out whether you would be eligible after you completed your pregnancy.
Yes, you can! Birth control removal will be discussed with your egg donor coordinator once accepted into the program. When it gets closer to the egg retrieval date, we will provide you with our birth control pills.s
Illnesses/medications are usually not an automatic disqualifier. However, for a lot of conditions/medications, our physicians decide on a case by case basis whether it makes you ineligible. We highly encourage you to complete the application with as much detail on your medical history or medication you take to help provide them with a better understanding of your health. Please keep in mind that our physicians look out for your best interest and that denial based on such medical conditions is to prevent any health complications or increased health risks when donating. We want to assure you that your safety is our top priority.
Yes, you may still become an egg donor after getting your tubes tied.
We get our donors in various ways! Actually, many of our donors find us. While some of our donors are referrals from a previous egg donor who has had a wonderful experience with us, others find our clinic through their own internet research or our advertisement. At the surrogacy agency, we take great pride in the qualities of the egg donors in our database.
Not all women can make egg donations. Although egg donor programs vary in the qualities they look for, certain criteria are quite general. Some rules are put in place for legal reasons, while other policies are made to raise the chances that a pregnancy will occur and that the process will be safe for the egg recipient and the donor.
At the surrogacy agency, we have an extensive approval process. Egg donors need to complete a questionnaire about her medical history, features, education, employment, and details of her previous donation cycle (if applicable). Her health history and that of her family are covered in the medical and genetic section of the questionnaire.
A lot of questions in this section are quite similar to those that will be asked about her at your fertility clinic. Donors with a history of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and alcoholism won’t be approved. Additionally, we screen applicants based on their body mass index (BMI) and only accept those whose BMI falls within the appropriate height/weight limits. Egg donors who are smokers or placed on some prescription drugs that may impact the cycle are immediately ruled out. Also, we don’t approve any donors who have had a tattoo within the previous year or have completed more than five egg donor cycles.
With increasing fertility treatment options for transgender people comes the demand for the expansion of insurance fertility coverage. We’re now seeing an increase in the numbers of insurance companies and plans providing coverage for sperm and egg freezing for trans men and women.
After your initial consultation, your doctor will give you an outline of the treatment plan and the associated costs. Note that the costs will vary based on the type of treatment being recommended. Fortunately, there are various financing options and additional rate plans you can consider if you are without health insurance. You can contact our fertility center for more details.
This depends whether or not infertility treatment has been purchased as a benefit. Some insurance providers may cover a portion of treatment if it is a medical necessity. Benefits vary by insurance policy. We always encourage our patients to reach out to their provider for an explanation of coverage.
Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC accepts both “in-network” and “out of network” insurance. We work with Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Healthnet, Tricare, and United Health Care. Prior to your consultation we will verify your insurance benefits and review detailed coverage information at your consultation. In cases where insurance is not accepted, our coordinators will arrange for discounted cash pricing. In cases where your insurance plan is not accepted or your insurance does not offer coverage, we are able to work with each patient one on one to make fertility treatment expenses affordable.
As a transgender person, freezing your eggs or sperm gives a fertility option to have biological children in the future. No matter where you’re transitioning from female to male or vice versa, the best thing to do is to plan ahead as early as possible. While it’s also important for cisgender people to plan ahead, it’s extremely important for transgender individuals since fertility preservation affects cross-sex hormone therapy.
The most popular fertility treatments used by transgender individuals include IUI, IVF, egg freezing, embryo freezing, donor egg IVF, reciprocal IVF, gestational carrier IVF, etc. Click here to see a complete list of the services offered at our fertility clinic.
Intrauterine Insemination, also called artificial insemination, is a procedure in which sperm is introduced in a female reproductive tract through other means aside from sexual intercourse. For a lot of single intended mothers or couples where only one of the partners chooses to partake in the conception process, IUI is a good fertility option to consider.
Insemination involves the introduction of sperm into the woman’s womb (IUI, intrauterine insemination) or the cervix (intracervical insemination, ICI). For this procedure, frozen sperm is sentto the doctor and then thawed on the day of insemination.
The options availableinclude an anonymous, known, or open-door donor. You need to ask your obstetrician/gynecologist or coordinator for any recommendations that can help you navigate this process.
IVF is a process where a woman’s ovaries are stimulated to produce many eggs, which are then fertilized in the laboratory to create embryos. These embryos are incubated in the lab for some days and then placed into the womb with the hope of achieving a healthy pregnancy.
Reciprocal IVF, otherwise known as Co-IVFor shared motherhood, is when one ofthe partners donates the eggs while the other partner carries the pregnancy. This is an attractive option for many hopeful couples as it allows both partners to be biologically involved in the conception of the baby.
We always advise our Intended Parents to try to get a healthy weight before conception. We also recommend that you start taking a prenatal vitamin containing DHA and at least 800 micrograms of folic acid. If you are the type that drinks or smokes, we recommend that you quit before trying to get pregnant. During your consultation, we will carry out some blood tests toevaluate your overall health, like testing for anemia, testing your thyroid levels, etc.
Many lesbian couples prefer to go with a natural IUI (intrauterine insemination) using donor sperm, where we monitor the progression of your ovulation cycle, but help schedule the IUI so that it takes place within the window during which the woman is most likely to conceive. We will give you sperm bank recommendations, so you can choose from a large pool of donors available. The sperm banks we suggest abide by FDA guidelines when screening for transmittable diseases before releasing the sperm. Some hopeful couples may choose to pursue IUI but also use mild stimulation medications. The medications will encourage the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, increasing the couple’s chance of successful fertilization and implantation in a cycle. Other lesbian couples may opt for standard IVF or reciprocal IVF. If you are not sure what fertility treatment will be best for you, please contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts.
No, it’s not necessary. However, there are several tests you need to undergo if you want to know which of you will be the better candidate to donate the eggs or carry the pregnancy. We alsohave to consider certain factors, like your age, body weight, and how well your ovaries are producing eggs, to determine the best options for you to conceive.
Lesbian couples may decide to pursue an IVF cycle in order to harvest the eggs from one partner, fertilize them with donor sperm, and transfer the resulting embryos into the womb of the other partner, who will carry the baby. This is known as“Reciprocal IVF” and allows both partners to be actively involved in the process of conceiving a baby.
找到代母的最佳方式是通过信誉良好的代孕机构,比如“医生关怀代孕中心”(Physician’s Surrogacy)。由代孕机构专业人士安排整个过程非常关键,以确保您的孕程安全和顺利。
代孕母亲只是孕育并分娩孩子的人,同新生儿没有遗传上的联系,因为使用的是准母亲的卵子/捐赠卵子来创建胚胎。 Physician’s Surrogacy 仅提供试管婴儿代孕
There’s not one answer to this question of a Surrogate Mother price, as the overall cost depends on several factors involved in surrogacy. Your Intended Parents’ coordinator will outline the services required during surrogacy and our fixed-rate compensation cost structure. Immediately after your complimentary consultation, we will provide a price quotation. The quotation will follow your circumstances and preferences. At Physician’s Surrogacy, we pride ourselves on our transparency with our services and pricing. Schedule a free consultation today to receive a transparent quote that will help you understand the total cost of surrogacy.
The total cost of a surrogacy arrangement includes numbers of factors such as agency fees, Surrogate compensation, medical expenses, fertility clinic fees and legal fees. However, there are more parameters that also affect the surrogacy costs like country, state, special medical condition etc. Hence, depending on these variables, total expenses incurred in surrogacy differs greatly. It is always best to consult a surrogacy expert to get a better understanding about different factors that can impact the surrogacy costs.
The best method for International clients interested in finding a surrogate in the US is to partner with a reputed surrogacy agency that has experience working with international clients. We can provide guidance and support throughout the surrogacy process, including finding a Surrogate, managing legal and logistical details. We make sure to match international clients with Surrogates who align with parent’s preferences. When considering surrogacy in the US, international clients should consider the following criteria:
Both the surrogate and intended parents will undergo medical screening to assess their health status. Then the surrogate mother will undergo In vitro fertilization (IVF) process and the embryo transfer.
Just like any other medical process, surrogacy also has risks associated with it. A fertility expert can help you understand what complications may arise and what precautions you should follow.
Gestational Surrogacy with egg donation boasts very high pregnancy success rates. It allows both the intended parents to have genetic connection with the baby while the Surrogate Mother does not have any biological connection with the baby she carries. This is why the surrogacy process is way more legally safe.
A surrogacy agreement is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a surrogacy arrangement between intended parents and a surrogate mother. The agreement typically covers the following:
美國生殖醫學會(ASRM)主席Richard J. Paulson表示:“試管嬰兒或捐卵對身體都沒有潛在風險”。保爾森領導的南加州大學不孕不育項目包含美國最早的捐卵項目之一,該計劃於1986成立。 也表示到目前為止,我們所有的數據顯示不會存在長期的問題。”
妳將前往我們加州的醫療中心完成捐卵週期。所有旅行安排(航班,酒店等)將由我們來安排。整個捐卵旅程妳只需要親自至RSMC 中心2次。第一次進行醫學篩查(1日行程),第二次進行實際取卵(一共住宿4-7天)。如果你不是居住在美國本土的捐卵者, 你將需要在美國停留14天左右來完成捐卵週期。
• 子宫内受精(IUI):通过绕过宫颈直接将处理后的精子注射到子宫中。为了增加一个或多个卵子在输卵管内受精的几率,可以将受孕与卵巢刺激相结合。
• 体外受精(IVF):即体外受精。 IVF是最常用的不孕症治疗技术之一,其中在实验室的培养皿中将卵子与精子结合。一旦受精发生,产生的胚胎会发育数天,然后放入子宫。
• 卵细胞内单精子注射(ICSI):通常用于男性因素不孕症、原因不明的不孕症或那些传统IVF尝试失败的患者。在ICSI生育治疗中,使用微小的针头将单个精子注射到成熟的卵子中。一旦受精发生,胚胎会发育数天,然后被移植到子宫中。
• 卵子捐献用于没有卵子或卵子不健康的女性。一位年轻的卵子捐献者进行卵巢刺激和卵子采集程序,将她的卵子捐赠给另一位患者。卵子将与伴侣的精子受精,然后将产生的胚胎移植到患者的子宫中。
• 怀孕代孕者(孕育代理):植入一个与其无生物关系的胚胎,以实现不孕夫妇的妊娠。建议那些没有子宫或因医学原因无法怀孕的女性进行该项治疗。夫妇接受IVF程序,将产生的胚胎移植到代孕者的子宫中。
• 捐精或捐胚:适用于无法使用其伴侣的精子或自己的胚胎怀孕生育的女性。
您依然可以购买捐卵,即使您还没有准备好进行胚胎移植。您可以购买捐卵,并将其存储在 RSMC,直到您和您的生育诊所准备开始下一步治疗。请联系我们以获取更多详细信息。
他們不能知道您的真實姓名,只有您的匿名和年紀、身高 、健康狀況等資訊。
Some women choose to be Surrogates following a personal experience with infertility and want to help an individual or couple actualize their dreams of having a family. Other women may feel that their own family is complete, but like being pregnant and think that helping hopeful couples is a higher calling. But one thing that unites all of these women is the strong desire to help others have their own children.
Surrogates are selfless women who are willing to help intended parents start or grow their families. Although their circumstances may be different, all gestational Surrogates are required to fulfill certain requirements before they are matched with the parents. The actual screening and eligibility may vary from one agency to the other. Surrogacy agency does everything possible to make sure we find your ideal match.
1. Be within a particular age range
2. Quit smoking and use of harmful drugs
3. Have an ideal BMI
4. Have a clean criminal record
5. Be able to attend doctor’s appointments
6. Undergo an in-house assessment and background checks
7. Complete a medical workup and a psychological screening
8. Submit health and drug history information
9. Have already carried at least one successful pregnancy without any complication
This varies case by case, but it usually takes between one day to 2 weeks. The length of the matching process is dependent on your availability and responsiveness. After you file in your application, we will contact you to discuss the surrogacy process. We will also provide answers to any questions you may have and send you our compensation package and other important documents. It usually takes our hopeful parents less than 2 weeks to find an ideal Surrogate. With surrogacy agency, it’s very to find a gestational Surrogate who matches your preferences!
A Surrogate mother needs to undergo a complete history and physical exam to make sure that she has medically and emotionally “okay” to carry a pregnancy. This exam will also identify prospective Surrogates at high risk for sexually transmitted infections. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) suggests that all Surrogates are tested for common infections, like HIV, gonorrhea, hepatitis, syphilis, chlamydia, and cytomegalovirus.
The gestational Surrogate and her spouse (if she has one) need to have an interview with a mental health expert. This interview and the following ones will cover the likely psychological risks that are linked to the surrogacy process, including managing her relationships with the intended parents, her partner, children, and employers. Psychological screening can be carried out at the counselor’s discretion.
Surrogates are usually compensated for the time, energy, and effort they put in to fulfill this role. The compensation agreement is going to be documented in the surrogacy contracts before going ahead with any procedure.
The frequency and the kind of contact that will exist between you and the Surrogate will be specified in your surrogacy plan. Depending on what you and your Surrogate are comfortable with, you can have as little or as much contact with your gestational carrier. A lot of surrogacy agencies provide contact mediation services for the parties involved.
Normally, the standard storage period for embryos is 10 years. However, women dealing with some issues can have their embryos stored for up to 55 years. Your doctor will let you know if you can do this.
You or your partner can withdraw consent at any time before the frozen embryos are used for fertility treatment or research. If your spouse withdraws their consent, you won’t be able to use the embryos to try for pregnancy.
If your partner withdraws his/her consent (be it the person who donated the sperm or the eggs), you may get a “cooling off” period of up to 12 months. If after this period your partner still don’t want the frozen embryos used, they are going to be removed from storage and left to perish.
The procedure for using your embryos varies based on your fertility clinic and your individual circumstances.
The first steps depend on whether or not you have regular ovulation. If your menstruations are regular, your physician may recommend that you undergo the embryo transfer without using any fertility medications. In a case like this, ultrasound scans may be performed to check your endometrium (the lining of the uterus). Blood or urine tests may then be carried out to check when you are ovulating, which shows that your womb lining will be ready for the embryo.
If your menstruations are not regular or you don’t menstruate at all, your physician may recommend that you take drugs to induce your natural cycle and cause a “fake” period. Then, you are administered medication to help ready the lining of your womb for the embryo.
At the appropriate time, the clinic’s embryologists will thaw the embryos and transfer one or more of them into your uterus (in cases where the patient is above 40, three embryos may be transferred).
You can trash them or give them out (to another person or for use in medical research or training). In either case, you and your spouse or donor (if applicable) will have to provide your consent in writing. Your fertility clinic should give you the necessary forms.
Donate them to another person: Gift another family or individual the most valuable gift by giving them your unused embryos.
Donate them to research: Medical research on embryos, eggs, and sperms helps scientists understand the root causes of infertility and create effective treatments.
Donate them to training: Students training to become embryologists need biological material to practice techniques like removing embryo cells and mastering the embryo freezing or thawing process.
Discard them: Instead of donating embryos, some people prefer to trash them. Embryos that are not needed anymore are removed from storage and left to perish in water or warmer.
A precise inventory is maintained for all embryos in storage by our laboratory staff. Patients with embryos in storage are billed monthly. Please make sure to notify us of changes to your address, email or credit card.
Please email seminars@fertile.com to get a recording of the seminar. We may not have a recording of the seminar from the specific date you attended but we are always able to get you another recording.
You will receive a text message with your consultation certificate. All attendees receive a ultrasound with their
consultation. Attendees of the LGBT seminar will receive a certificate for a consultation including a ultrasound OR semen analysis. Please schedule your consultation here.
The major difference between embryo freezing and egg freezing is whether the eggs are “combined” with sperm after or before they are frozen. When you are freezing embryos, you have to know the would-be father as his sperm would be used to fertilize the eggs prior to freezing. On the contrary, you can have your eggs frozen without sperm (they are going to be fertilized when you undergo IVF). Embryo freezing also allows you to know the number of eggs that were healthy enough to be fertilized, which you won’t know when you are just freezing your eggs.
So which of these options is best for you? Embryo freezing can be difficult for women without a partner since you need someone to donate the sperm that will be used for fertilization of the eggs (note that you can also freeze your embryos with donor sperm). Generally, freezing of embryos is better for partners who want to have children together but want to delay baby-making because of their career, education, illness, family issues, etc. We recommend you to schedule consultation so our fertility doctor can discuss what option may be the best for you depending on your fertility, age and situation you are in.
Embryo freezing has a pretty impressive success rate. Approximately 95 percent of frozen embryos survive this freezing. As a matter of fact, frozen embryos have a higher success rate than fresh ones when it comes to resulting in a pregnancy.
The side effects or complications of embryo freezing often occur during the egg retrieval process. Most of the side effects of egg extraction are mild and temporary. Some of them are:
• Bleeding
• Bloating or cramping
• Feeling full
• Infection
• Changes in vaginal discharge
• Overstimulation of the ovaries
We completely understand that and have other options for you to get more educated about the options you have. You can schedule a consultation with one of our fertility experts here to get recommendations regarding your situation and for an individualized treatment plan.
If you don’t want to attend a consultation just yet you can also contact us and ask for material regarding our fertility treatment options clinic. We are also happy to provide you a link to one of our recorded seminars that you can watch.
Depending on how much time is left before the seminar date you will receive multiple email reminders with the date, time, and link to join the seminar. On the day of the seminar, you will also receive a text message. Please double-check the email and phone number when you sign up for our seminars that we can send you these reminders and instructions to join. Make sure to join the seminar five minutes before the start time to get yourself set up.
That is okay, you won’t need to have an account with zoom to join the seminar. However, should you decide to join the seminar through phone, you will have to download the app.
Please email seminars@fertile.com should you have any issues or further questions.
You will get a start-of-medications fee (typically $750) then the remaining amount after the retrieval is completed. So, if your compensation is $7,000, you will receive $750 after you start your injectable medications, and the remaining amount, $6,250 after the retrieval is completed. Typically compensation is delivered via check.
The average starting compensation for egg donors is $7,000. However, compensation differs based on a number of factors, including the donor’s education, her donation history, and other factors.
Egg Donors get paid from an escrow account that the Intended Parents establish.
You will get a start-of-medications fee (typically $750) then the remaining amount after the retrieval is completed. So, if your compensation is $7,000, you will receive $750 after you start your injectable medications, and the remaining amount, $6,250 after the retrieval is completed.
Typically compensation is delivered via check.
Everything is paid for in advance by the Intended Parents so there is nothing you will pay for out of pocket. However, if you are asked to pay out of pocket for something, you will be promptly reimbursed.
Amid the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation, some individuals found it a suitable time to explore fertility options. Our patients have adjusted their routines, creating space to consider parenthood. Whether you choose virtual consultations via telephone or Skype, or prefer in-person office visits, we’re equipped to provide ultrasound and AMH testing.
We recommend postponing your cycle if you are exhibiting symptoms, have been in contact with someone who tested positive or tested positive yourself. Additionally, please contact your coordinator or physician to discuss your unique circumstances.
Similar to many other viral infections, to date, there is no scientific evidence of transmission of Coronavirus/COVID-19 to embryos during fertility treatment. Additionally, there has not been any evidence of transmission of the virus to the sperm or eggs. In fact, there is a decided advantage in using assisted reproductive technology over natural pregnancy. The process of the collection, preparation, and wash procedures used in ART minimizes exposure and control variables.
If you are suspected of having contracted COVID-19, you will be placed on home quarantine until the lab test results are back and are negative.
Your fertility treatment cycle will be postponed if you have contracted Coronavirus/Covid-19. This delay means that you can not continue with insemination, retrievals, or embryo transfers for the time being. Your cycle can be delayed until a later time when you are healthy. Even in the case of embryo transfer, the frozen embryos will not be thawed until immediately before your transfer.
We realize that postponing a cycle can be disappointing; however, we are making these recommendations to maximize your safety.
At this time, the focus will be on symptom management. Typically, you will need to take acetaminophen. It is an over-the-counter medication that is useful to reduce fevers. Basically, the goal is to keep your temperature below 100.5°. In some cases, your physician may decide to prescribe an anti-viral medication proven to be safe in pregnancy.
If the decision to freeze your eggs is elective and there is no medical necessity, many insurance plans do not offer coverage for the procedure. Prior to your consultation, we will check your specific plan for available benefits and review your coverage during the consultation.
Egg freezing, if not a covered insurance benefit, generally costs between $7,000 – $12.000, plus the cost of the medications. Our pricing is significantly lower than similar clinics in Southern California and we offer egg freezing specials throughout the year. If you would like an exact quotation, please fill out a consultation request with the comment that you would like to get a price quotation or chat with us to find out more about our specials.
In 2019 California passed SB-600, a fertility preservation coverage bill that requires commercial insurance companies to cover egg freezing due to a cancer diagnosis requiring treatment. In these situations, your IVF coordinator will also provide you with additional financial support resources, including non-income-based resources for fertility medications.
While many insurance carriers do not include fertility preservation as a covered benefit, our Future Fertility program helps employers make elective fertility preservation affordable for their employees. Please contact us to find out.
Yes, FSA’s and HSA’s are a great way to reduce the expense of egg freezing and allows you to take advantage of funds that are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit.
Medical expenses are also generally tax-deductible. If you don’t have or are unable to use your FSA/HSA, you will likely be able to receive a deduction for costs related to egg freezing. Speak with your tax professional for details.
More companies, such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, CitiGroup, and JP Morgan Chase are now offering egg freezing benefits. We recommend consulting your employer’s HR/Benefits department to find out available benefits and programs.
If egg freezing is deemed to be medically necessary by a physician, your condition or circumstances may qualify you for coverage. Please be aware that insurance plans may require precertification and/or preauthorization prior to treatment. Our financial coordinator will review your plan benefits and explain any requirements that may apply to your specific plan.
There are a lot of factors that determine the cost of your egg donation cycle. These include what test you’ve already completed or still require, your insurance plan, and what service is needed depending on your fertility tests, etc. We provide consultations during which the physician can review your health history, undergo an ultrasound, and so on to come up you with more precise pricing based on your situations. You can schedule one by clicking here.
We evaluate individual benefits to know the coverage for each insurance plan. Even in situations where insurance doesn’t provide coverage, we work together with each patient to optimize the available coverage and make the expenses more affordable for them.
Thanks to recent changes in health benefits, policies, and new offerings, your insurance might cover some of the egg donation costs.
We suggest that you talk this over with your insurance company to know more about the costs that will be covered and what you will need to pay out of pocket.
Every consultation at the surrogacy agency also includes a financial consultation following a meeting with our fertility specialist. Depending on what was talked about during the consultation, our financial coordinator will evaluate your treatment pricing options and let you know the financing options available.
No, no one can see or hear you during the seminar. Make sure to click yes, when being asked to join with your audio though. All that this means is that it will connect your audio to zoom which will let you hear our speaker. By default no one will be able to hear or see you. It is not possible to turn your video or microphone on even if you press the wrong buttons.
You can ask questions by clicking the FAQ button on the bottom of the screen. On the phone, make sure to tap on your screen and it will show you the FAQ button. Type your question and at the end of the presentation our fertility doctor will answer every question that was submitted.
Yes, no one will hear or see you. Also, none of the other attendees will see your name. You are completely anonymous.
Yes, unless they are marked with a “Coming Soon” sign, they are all available for immediate use.
Yes, they do. At the surrogacy agency, we believe that there is an ideal donor for every parent. We work with intended parents from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds and accept different types of egg donors. If you would like to learn more about our egg donor database or want to check profiles, click this link to schedule a consultation to talk about your options and get access to our egg donor databank to review profiles.
There are many search options available to you, like height, eye color, ethnicity, education level, etc. Additionally, one of our matching coordinators can help you look for your “perfect” donor and best match. Schedule a consultation to talk about your options and get access to our egg donor databank to review profiles.
We usually add a couple of new donors to our database every week. Although we get a lot of applications from prospective donors every day, we don’t approve donors’ profiles for viewing unless their application has been fully completed and the important documents have been submitted. The time it takes to get all the necessary information varies from one donor to another, but it usually takes some weeks from the day the applicant files her application before her profile is included in our database. That aside, we also work together with you to make sure you get your ideal donor.
Yes, there are. That is why you need to share your gynecological/surgical/ medical history, as well as your sister’s, mom’s, and even grandmother’s. When it comes to fertility, women tend to mimic the female members of their family. Additionally, if you have had gynecological conditions like PCOS or endometriosis in the past, you will want to talk to a doctor sooner than later.
You lose the eggs if you don’t use them. This means that every single month, a group of eggs competes to be the one that is ovulated. The losers in the “the ovulation race” die off and are removed by the body. In a few words, freezing your eggs will not affect your future fertility, it will help you preserve some of your eggs that would’ve otherwise “died” for the future.
The doctor can perform an ovarian reserve and AMH test to have an idea of a woman’s fertility. At RSMC, we include a free ultrasound in our Fertility consultation.
Your levels of AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) can help us determine how many eggs you have left in your ovaries. For a fertile woman, the typical AMH level is between 1.5 to 4.0 ng/ml. Having a low AMH may indicate that your ovarian reserve is low. However, it does notimply that your egg quality is low.
For people transitioning from male to female, it’s very important to freeze your sperm before you commence the hormone replacement therapy. Feminizing hormones, such as estrogen, significantly affect your ability to father a child. Although the effects of some feminizing hormones are reversible, sterility may not be reversible.
If you were designated male at birth, freezing your sperm before any surgical or hormone therapy will give you the opportunity to use it later in the future. Frozen sperm can be safely stored for many years.
There are several factors to consider when assessing sperm quality, which may impact your decision regarding how many vials of semen to freeze. At Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, we will help you navigate this process through analysis and discussion.
As it is for transitioning transgender men, it’s also important for trans women to plan their fertility options ahead. Even though masculinizing hormones don’t result in irreversible sterility, egg freezing is more efficient when performed before commencing testosterone therapy. We partner with some of the best cryobanks in the world to offer you screenings for genetic abnormalities and transmittable diseases. Note that egg quality and quantity reduce with age. The younger the age you have your egg frozen, the higher your chance of a healthy pregnancy in the future. Freezing of eggs after the age of 37 is very unlikely to lead to a successful pregnancy.
If you were designated female at birth, cryopreserving your eggs before you start any hormone or surgical therapy enables you to use it later in the future. Egg freezing involves a fertility treatment cycle, followed by the retrieval of the eggs, after which the collected eggs are frozen for future use.
Once eggs are collected and frozen, they can be stored for many years without them declining in quality. So, you have plenty of time to decide what the next steps and choices would be, including who will carry the pregnancies and where to get sperm to fertilize the eggs.
Infertility can be treated with medicine, surgery, or assisted reproductive technology such as intra-uterine insemination, IVF, etc. Many times these treatments are combined. Doctors recommend specific treatments for infertility based on
• The factors contributing to the infertility.
• The duration of the infertility.
• The age of the female.
• The couple’s treatment preference after counseling about success rates, risks, and benefits of each treatment option.
Male infertility may be treated with medical, surgical, or assisted reproductive therapies depending on the underlying cause. Medical and surgical therapies are usually managed by a urologist who specializes in infertility & its treatments. A reproductive endocrinologist may offer intrauterine inseminations (IUIs) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help overcome male factor infertility.
Some common medicines used to treat infertility in women include—
• Clomiphene citrate (Clomid®*): A medicine that causes ovulation by acting on the pituitary gland. It is often used in women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or other problems with ovulation. This medicine is taken orally.
• Human menopausal gonadotropin or hMG (Repronex®*; Pergonal®*): Medicine often used for women who don’t ovulate because of problems with their pituitary gland—hMG acts directly on the ovaries to stimulate ovulation. It is an injected medicine.
• Follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH (Gonal-F®*; Follistim®*): Medicine that works much like hMG. It causes the ovaries to begin the process of ovulation. These medicines are usually injected.
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH): Medicine often used for women who don’t ovulate regularly each month. Women who ovulate before the egg is ready can also use these medicines. Gn-RH: Analogs that act on the pituitary gland to change when the body ovulates. These medicines are usually injected or given with a nasal spray.
• Metformin (Glucophage®*): A medicine doctors use for women who have insulin resistance and/or PCOS. This drug helps lower the high levels of male hormones in women with these conditions. This helps the body to ovulate. Sometimes clomiphene citrate or FSH is combined with metformin. This medicine is usually taken by mouth.
• Bromocriptine (Parlodel®*): A medicine used for women with ovulation problems because of high levels of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that causes milk production.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an infertility treatment that is often called artificial insemination. In this procedure, specially prepared sperm are inserted into the woman’s uterus. Sometimes the woman is also treated with medicine that stimulates ovulation before IUI.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) includes all fertility treatments in which both eggs and sperm are handled outside of the body. In general, ART procedures involve surgically removing eggs from a woman’s ovaries, combining them with sperm in the laboratory, and returning them to the woman’s body or donating them to another woman. The main type of ART is in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The success rates of fertility treatments vary and depend on many factors, including the clinic performing the procedure, the infertility diagnosis, and the age of the woman undergoing the procedure. This last factor—the woman’s age—is especially important when trying to become a parent.
According to the CDC’s 2011 Preliminary ART Success Rates, the average percentage of fresh, nondonor ART cycles that led to pregnancy were—
Please see RSMC success rates here….
Women using Donor Eggs: 58% fresh, and 68% frozen.
* 2 years combined (2011-2012)
Common ART procedures include—
This depends on whether or not infertility treatment has been purchased as a benefit. Some insurance providers may cover a portion of treatment if it is a medical necessity. Benefits vary by insurance policy. We always encourage our patients to reach out to their providers for an explanation of coverage.
Physician’s Surrogacy – the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, accepts both “in-network” and “out-of-network” insurance. We work with Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Healthnet, Tricare, and United Health Care. Before your consultation, we will verify your insurance benefits and review detailed coverage information at your consultation. In cases where insurance is not accepted, our coordinators will arrange for discounted cash pricing. In cases where your insurance plan is not accepted, or your insurance does not offer coverage, we will work with you to make fertility treatment expenses affordable.
Following your initial consultation, your physician will outline a treatment plan and the associated costs. The costs will vary depending on what type of treatment is recommended. We have several financing options if you don’t have insurance. Schedule a consultation now so we can discuss the costs.
Couples often find out that infertility diagnosis and certain treatments are covered by their insurance. However, IVF and others may be excluded. California is one of 13 states with an infertility mandate in place. This is a “soft” mandate, which gives employers the option to offer infertility benefits. Since it is not required, not many employers will purchase the coverage.
If your insurance coverage doesn’t include infertility benefits, consider speaking with your Human Resources representative to explore the possibility of adding infertility treatments to your benefits package.
Typically, PPO insurance does not require pre-authorization for an initial consultation. If your insurance requires a pre-authorization to see a specialist, then you must get a referral from your OB/GYN to see a fertility specialist. Pre-authorizations may also be needed for any testing, ultrasounds, or blood work. Your assistance in coordinating authorizations is important in order to protect you from the surprise of becoming financially responsible if they do not pay.
Here are some important questions to ensure that you have the right coverage for treatment:
We advise that you confirm your coverage with your insurance provider. While some insurance companies may cover diagnostic testing and doctor’s visits, theywon’t cover treatment cycles unless there’s evidence of infertility. Our in-house financial coordinators will help you determine your out-of-pocket expenses once your insurance coverage has been confirmed. Even in cases wherethere’s noinsurance fertility coverage, we work together with each patient to optimize the available coverage and reduce the fertility expenses.
After your initial consultation, your doctor will create a treatment plan and give you the associated costs. The costs will vary based on the type of treatment being recommended for you. Fortunately, there are several financing options and additional rate plans you can consider even if you don’t health insurance. Contact our fertility center for more information.
The costs vary based on your individual circumstances and your preferences regarding things, like your surrogate. Factors that can affect pricing include the surrogate’s location, the experience of the surrogate, multiple pregnancies, etc. The good news is that we offer consultations to all our potential clients. During this consultation, you will get to know the available pricing plans, discuss the process, and get answers to any questions you may have. You can click here for more information about financing your journey to parenthood.
1. Yes, there is. At the surrogacy agency, we provide the same financial assistance to all of our intended parents! We offer financial counseling and various financial packages to our hopeful parents who are undergoing fertility treatment.
2. Our team can provide you with customized pricing depending on your personal circumstances and preferences.
Birth control pills prevent ovulation. Therefore you will have to stop taking them before you begin the egg freezing process. You can start using them again after your egg retrieval. However, if you are using an IUD (intrauterine device), you will not need to remove it during the egg freezing process.
If you have been using birth control patches or pills for a long time, we usually suggest thatyou stop using them for a month before commencing the egg freezing process. This is because these pills make your ovaries go to sleep. So, in order to increase your ovaries’ response to fertility drugs, we give them one month extra to “wake up.” It’s not wrong or bad if you don’t want to stop the pill, but doing so can make the egg freezing cycle longer, as you may need extra days of medication to get your ovaries into full swing.
Now is the best time to freeze your eggs. If you come to us at 38, do it at that very moment – instead of thinking about it for a year and then doing it when you turn 39. The same applies to a woman who contacts us at 30. Your eggs are more viable at 30 than they are at 34. So if you are considering egg freezing, now is the time to go for it. Although you can freeze your eggs at any reproductive age, there is an age (typically 42 and above) wherethe ability of yourovaries to produce chromosomally normal eggs is greatly reduced,and you may not get the result you’re hoping for.
Sadly, we cannot. We can only tell you whether your eggs are mature or not. While a mature egg doesn’t ensure it is of good quality, it does mean that it is ready to be fertilized. Although there are some parameters that indicate good egg quality, we are unable to say anything about the health of an egg until it has been fertilized by a sperm.
Although it is good to live a healthy life, your eggs have been with you your whole life. Therefore, making changes to your lifestyle won’t change the quality of your eggs. Smoking is the only exception here – smoking is bad for your eggs! The earlier you stop smoking, the better.
There is no exact number or rule when it comes to the number of eggs to freeze. It depends on your age, family history, previous gynecological/medical history and especially the quality of eggs. The number is individualized and must be determined by your fertility doctor, depending on your circumstances.
Some patients experience discomfort and bloating during ovarian stimulation. The egg retrieval process is carried out under mild sedation and is pain-free. After the egg retrieval, you may have some mild pain that can be relieved with over-the-counter pain medications.
In very rare cases (1 to 5%), OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) may occur during ovarian stimulation. This condition is characterized by swollen ovaries and the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. You may also experience nausea, spotting, and cramping for a few days after the egg retrieval similar to the side effects you have during your monthly menstrual cycle.
A gestational Surrogate, also known as a carrier, is a woman who agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another couple or individual. During this surrogacy arrangement, the eggs used to produce embryos are not donated by the Surrogate. Since the eggs will be harvested from one woman and transferred into another, this technique involves the use of IVF (in vitro fertilization). IVF is a procedure in which female eggs are fertilized in the lab and some of the healthy embryos formed are transferred into the Surrogate’s womb.
A gestational carrier is used when a hopeful parent wishes to have a baby and either lacks a womb or is suffering from a health condition that would make carrying a pregnancy harmful. In addition, a Surrogate may be recommended for women with a history that indicates an issue with her womb, like repeated pregnancy losses or IVF failures or when there is no female partner (i.e., single men or gay couple).
Anybody can. At the surrogacy agency, we are willing to help you actualize your parenthood dream, regardless of your gender identity, sexual orientation, or marital status. Our surrogates come from US states that have friendly legislation and do not exclusively limit surrogacy to conventional family models. This means that unlike in some other countries where surrogacy is allowed, anybody can become parents with our California-based, physician-managed agency. Other countries don’t allow same-sex couples, single parents, unwedded couples, or intended parents who require a double donor to have a baby via surrogacy. This is the reason why the United States is a go-to destination for surrogacy journeys for intended parents all around the globe. Surrogacy can be a good option for homosexual couples and single parents to grow their families.
The duration of this process depends on a number of factors. We usually inform hopeful parents to plan on one and a half year from the day they register with our agency until they have a baby. However, it can take longer or be quicker based on the course of the IVF treatment and the legal requirements that are involved.
Your surrogacy journey starts with a initial consultation with our highly-experienced team. During this consultation, you will have the chance to tell us your fertility story and why you have decided to pursue surrogacy to build your family. We will also discuss our surrogacy process, available pricing plans, and answer any questions you may have. Depending on your circumstances and preferences, our team will give you an accurate price estimate and an idea of what will be involved in your surrogacy process. You can click here to sign up for one.
There is no straightforward answer to this question since the total cost is dependent on a lot of factors. Hence, intended parents need to have a complete understanding of the various services needed during surrogacy and the average base pay for Surrogates. This will help you to fully understand the overall cost of surrogacy. At our physician-managed agency, we take great pride in the transparency of our services and pricing. We are going to give you a precise price quotation immediately after the consultation, and the quotation will depend on your situation and preferences.
There are many factors that impact the success rates of a surrogacy pregnancy, such as the health of the surrogate and the embryos’ viability and health. At surrogacy agency, we make sure that all surrogates are already screened before they are presented to intended parents. We, as your IVF clinic, can help you to determine your best chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Couples often find out that infertility diagnosis and certain treatments are covered by their insurance. However, IVF and others may be excluded. California is one of 13 states with an infertility mandate in place. This is a “soft” mandate, which gives employers the option to offer infertility benefits. Since it is not required, not many employers will purchase the coverage. Since your employer makes the final decisions about health insurance, it might be a good idea to speak with your Human Resources representative to find out what it would take to have infertility treatments included in your benefits package.
Other options include personal savings, loans from your 401k retirement fund, fertility grants, credit cards, second mortgage or loan against the equity in the house or fertility specific financing. We can give you more information during your complimentary financial consultation.
Following your initial consultation, your physician will outline an infertility treatment plan and the associated costs. Costs will vary depending on what type of treatment is recommended. There are additional rate plans available as well as several financing options. Contact our office for more details.
A key part of ensuring a great family-building experience as a same-sex, gay couple is finding a supportive agency whose practices are really affirming and whose policies suit your family’s needs. surrogacy agency works with all intended parents and makes sure that you receive the professional care you need. We are actively taking additional steps to make members of the LGBT community feel welcome at our clinic. All of our patient-facing staff undergoes LGBT training for family-building clinicians to better support the millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer patients who are planning on starting their family.
Egg donation and IVF and Gestational Surrogate:
IVF is utilized to control the female’s ovulatory process, harvesting eggs from the ovaries of the donor and fertilizing them with sperm outside the body. The embryos formed are then transferred to the surrogate mother’s womb with the aim of achieving a healthy pregnancy.
1. Of course, yes. There are several options for a gay family to achieve this. A female relative of one of the gay partners (for example, a sister) could donate the eggs, which would then be “combined” with the other partner’s sperm. This way, the baby would have genetic ties with both of them.
2. Another option is to split that sperm between eggs to produce embryos for each partner.
Due to the regulations stipulated by the FDA, bloodwork may be needed when collecting the semen for the IVF procedure. Additionally, twp specific physical examinations will need to be carried out by your PCP. In case one or both of the partners are suffering from a transmittable disease, like HIV, you’ll be referred to a special laboratory for semen processing.
At Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, we offer various family building options to enable HIV+ couples and singles to have a biologically-related baby.
Yes, it’s important that both partners are present at the doctor’s visit, no matter whose sperm is being used.
A gestational Surrogate is a woman who becomes pregnant using an embryo created by the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Pregnancy may be achieved using the mother’s eggs and the father’s sperm. Donor eggs or donor sperm can also be used. There will be no genetic relation to the Surrogate.
Yes. If you do not have health insurance, a Surrogate-specific medical plan may be purchased for you by the intended parents for the duration of your pregnancy. Bills are handled through cash-pay by our medical billing department.
Yes. We believe single mothers are just as capable of being Surrogates as a woman who is married. If you are single, it is very important that you have some type of support system in place prior to committing to any Surrogate program.
Our surrogate mothers need to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of the life that is growing inside of them. During this process, we ask you to stay in regular communication with us and inform us of any appointments or pregnancy-related questions.
If you are uncertain about the laws in your state regarding surrogacy, please call our office to speak with an expert.
No, you will NOT be biologically related to the baby that you are carrying for the Intended Parents. As a Gestational Surrogate, your eggs will NOT be used. It will be the eggs of either the Intended Mother or the Egg Donor that is being used.
Your name and your husband/spouse’s name will NOT be on the birth certificate. The Intended Parents will be the ones who will have full parental rights to the baby and it will be their names that appears on the birth certificate.
The amount of contact varies case by case. Contact is determined by the Surrogate Mother and the Intended Parent(s)’ preferences identified during the match. Some cultures are a little more closed off than others; however, the relationship and communication develops as the journey progresses.
Some women are unable to get pregnant using their own eggs (oocytes). Egg Donation is a standard fertility treatment option for patients dealing with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), absent ovaries, genetic issues, poor response to fertility drugs, reduced ovarian reserve, or previous medical or surgical treatment. Also, embryo quality decreases with increasing age, making the use of donor eggs an attractive option for patients above the age of 40.
Our egg donation program is committed to offering the best options for patients who need donor eggs. Our aim is to help hopeful parents actualize their dream of having a baby through another woman’s wonderful gift. At the moment, we organize both fresh and frozen egg donor cycles. To find out if using donor eggs would be the right option for you, click here to schedule a consultation.
Of course, yes. At the surrogacy agency, egg donations are carried out anonymously. You, as the egg recipient, will get full information about the potential donor and her medical history together with that of her family. We think it’s important that the donor feels a connection to you and the egg donation journey so that she can be more dedicated to the process.
It’s your prerogative whether or not you choose to let others know about this, including the resulting babies. However, we suggest that you share this information with your obstetrician/gynecologist as he/she will be in charge of your care once you leave our clinic.
Unless the profile is marked with a “Coming Soon” sign all of our eggs are frozen and are available for immediate use. We can have them transferred to the clinic of your choice immediately after purchase.
There are a lot of perks that come with getting eggs from an egg bank. The egg donor has already been screened, and the eggs are already frozen. Plus, it’s cheaper to obtain eggs from an egg bank than to undergo a fresh donor cycle. Using a fresh egg donor cycle requires a lot more planning due to your cycle (or your surrogates’) having to be synchronized with that of the egg donor. There is also the risk of the donor failing the medical screening or poor quality of eggs being harvested from a fresh donor.
Yes. A lot of clinics provide some kind of genetic screening, like preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), etc. If you want to do genetic testing on the embryos, then they need to be frozen until the results are out.
It usually takes a longer time to be matched with a gestational carrier than to find an egg donor. A lot of intended parents prefer to find the egg bank and egg donor to carry out the egg retrieval while still waiting to be matched with a Surrogate mother. This will give the parents peace of mind, knowing that they have frozen embryos that are ready for use when the Surrogate completes her screening. If you will be doing genetic testing on the embryos, it’s required that you have the embryos frozen until the results are known. So, you don’t have any reason to wait until you’re matched with a Surrogate mother before you purchase your egg cohort.
Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) is a test that is used to determine the number of chromosomes in an embryo. It is designed to check for chromosomal changes that can prevent the embryo from implanting or lead to a miscarriage.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), on the other hand, is designed to check for mutations that cause disease, like, Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington’s Disease, etc. PGD is customized to each patient’s case and can help eliminate or (substantially lower) the risk of transferring a dangerous mutation from parent to offspring.
Depending on the laboratory, it can take between 12 hours to 30 days to get the results of PGD and PGS testing. The report is then forwarded to your fertility doctor who will advise you on which embryos are genetically normal and are more likely to result in a healthy pregnancy.
Undergoing PGD or PGS can raise the chances of a successful pregnancy and significantly lower the likelihood of a genetic disease. Pre-natal diagnostic testing can be carried out to verify the results from PGD or PGS after conception has been achieved.
If you would like to know whether you are a candidate for genetic testing, please click here to schedule a consultation with our fertility specialist.
In this case, the best next step is to consult with a fertility endocrinologist to talk about your options. Some fertility treatments can still be done when hormone therapy is stopped. At Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, our physicians take pride in offering a wide range of options to help you achieve your dreams of building a family. You can click here to discuss your options with one of our experienced medical professionals.
Unfortunately, no one knows the answer to this question. This is something you would have to explore with a reputable doctor. Our doctors are a great resource in providing excellent options depending on your circumstances. You can click this link to get started.
We know that each individual situation is different. Pausing hormonal can be mentally distressing. It’s not easy, and timelines vary from one person to another. Whether or not you want to stop HRT, we advise that you see a therapist along with your reproductive endocrinologist.
If the testicles are removed, sperm will no longer be produced. Similarly, egg production will also stop if the ovaries are removed. Since these surgeries involve the removal of testicles and ovaries, respectively, you would need to consider the transgender fertility option of using an egg or sperm donor.
In general, infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year of unprotected sex. Impaired fecundity is a condition related to infertility and refers to women who have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term.
Yes. About 6% of married women 15–44 years of age in the United States are unable to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex (infertility). Also, about 11% of women 15–44 years of age in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term, regardless of marital status (impaired fecundity).
No, infertility is not always a woman’s problem. Both men and women contribute to infertility. Many couples struggle with infertility and seek help to become pregnant; however, it is often thought of as only a woman’s condition. A CDC study analyzed data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor during their lifetime—this equals 3.3–4.7 million men. Of the men who sought help, 18% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem, including sperm or semen problems (14%) and varicocele (6%).
Infertility in men can be caused by a variety of factors prompting them to seek fertility treatments to become a parent. A specialist will evaluate the number of sperm (concentration), motility (movement), and morphology (shape). A slightly abnormal semen analysis does not mean that a man is necessarily infertile. Instead, a semen analysis helps determine if and how male factors are contributing to infertility.
Conditions that can contribute to abnormal semen analyses include:
Women need functioning ovaries, fallopian tubes, and a uterus to get pregnant. Conditions affecting any one of these organs can contribute to female infertility. Some of these conditions are listed below and can be evaluated using a number of different tests.
Female fertility is known to decline with age. Many women are waiting until their 30s and 40s to have children. In fact, about 20% of women in the United States now have their first child after age 35, and this leads to age becoming a growing cause of fertility problems that bar them from becoming a parent. About one-third of couples in which the woman is older than 35 years have fertility problems. Aging not only decreases a woman’s chances of having a baby but also increases her chances of miscarriage and of having a child with a genetic abnormality.
Aging decreases a woman’s chances of having a baby in the following ways—
• Her ovaries become less able to release eggs.
• She has a smaller number of eggs left.
• Her eggs are not as healthy.
• She is more likely to have health conditions that can cause fertility problems.
• She is more likely to have a miscarriage.
• Smoking.
• Excessive alcohol use.
• Extreme weight gain or loss.
• Excessive physical or emotional stress that results in amenorrhea (absent periods).
Most experts suggest at least one year for women younger than age 35. However, women aged 35 years or older should see a healthcare provider after 6 months of trying unsuccessfully. A woman’s chances of having a baby decrease rapidly every year after the age of 30.
Some health problems also increase the risk of infertility, so women should talk to a healthcare provider if they have the following issues and require infertility treatments.
It is a good idea for any woman and her partner to talk to a healthcare provider before trying to get pregnant. They can help a woman prepare her body for carrying a pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby, and can also answer questions on fertility and give tips on conceiving.
Fertility doctors will begin by collecting a medical and sexual history from both partners. The initial evaluation usually includes a semen analysis, a tubal evaluation, and ovarian reserve testing.
Surrogacy agency accepts both “in-network” and “out of network” insurance. We work with Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Healthnet, Tricare, and United Health Care. Prior to your consultation we will verify your insurance benefits and review detailed coverage information at your consultation. In cases where insurance is not accepted, our coordinators will arrange for discounted cash pricing. In cases where your insurance plan is not accepted or your insurance does not offer coverage, we are able to work with each patient one on one to make fertility expenses affordable.
This depends whether or not infertility has been purchased as a benefit. Some insurance providers may cover a portion of treatment if it is a medical necessity. Benefits vary by insurance policy. We always encourage our patients to reach out to their provider for an explanation of coverage.
Typically, PPO insurance does not require pre-authorization for an initial consultation. If your insurance requires a pre-authorization to see a specialist, then you must get a referral from you OB/GYN to see a fertility specialist. Pre-authorizations may also be needed for any testing, ultrasounds, or blood work. Your assistance in coordinating authorizations is important in order to protect you from the surprise of becoming financially responsible if they do not pay.
Here are some important questions to ensure that you have the right coverage for treatment:
1. Does my insurance cover diagnostic evaluation for infertility (lab work, ultrasound, etc.)?
2. Do they cover physician, hospital, and lab charges?
3. Is treatment for infertility such as IUI or IVF covered?
4. What is my co-payment?
5. Are injectable or oral medications covered (Clomid, Lupron, etc.)?
6. Do I need to use a specific contracted pharmacy?
7. Do I need to us a specific contracted laboratory?
The intended parents also need to do a comprehensive history and physical exam to ensure that they are medically “okay” to undergo the IVF procedures. Additionally, the parents need to be screened for genetic disorders, like cystic fibrosis.
The prospective parents are checked for infectious diseases that can be transferred to the surrogate. The screening is performed through blood tests, physical examinations, and questionnaires. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required that this testing is done within a month of the egg retrieval and within a week of collecting the sperm. Although these tests don’t completely remove the risk of transmission, they significantly reduce them. The surrogate should also be advised that embryos could be frozen and stored for six months to retest the hopeful parents. However, this may lower the chances of achieving pregnancy.
Sure. Intended parents who are living with HIV can build their families through surrogacy, thanks to the Special Program of Assisted Reproduction (SPAR). Through HIV testing and a sperm preparation technique, HIV-positive men can safely father a genetically-related baby without any risk to the child or surrogate mother.
Yes, it’s recommended that intended parents receive counseling from a mental health expert. The counselor needs to assess the couple for any untreated psychological issues, addictions, or abuse. The evaluation should also address the couple’s expectations and relationship with the surrogate and include plans for any future relationship with her post-delivery.
Due to a legal principle called jus soli, babies who are born in the US are automatically eligible for American citizenship and passports, no matter the citizenship of their parents. Hence, most parents who pursue US surrogacy can go back home with their baby without first getting a passport from their own country. However, some international intended parents might decide to or be asked to get temporary visas or passports for their babies at a consulate in the US before they can go back home after the delivery. It’s important that hopeful parents check with immigration lawyers in their home countries for information regarding the best procedures for taking their children back home. At the surrogacy agency, we will help you obtain an American passport through our partners, who are very good at navigating the US passport system.
If you don’t live in the US, you will need to come here only once or twice (for the production of the embryos at the fertility clinic and the birth of the baby), but most international intended parents visit the US about four times during the process. Since each case is different, we do our best to adjust to your individual circumstances. We also have other international intended parents who have their embryos, eggs, or sperm transported to the US. That saves them one trip and we will help with all the transportation arrangements.
This depends on the medical procedures and the legal work required in the state where the baby was born. Generally, we suggest that intended parents plan on going back home after 2 to 4 weeks to allow enough time for DNA testing, legal proceedings, issuance of the baby’s certificate, and application for visas or passports for the child. We will help you navigate through this process. Based on the legal work required, you may be able to return home sooner.
The type of information that intended parents can typically know about an egg donor varies depending on the egg donation program or agency. However, in general, intended parents may be able to access the following information about an egg donor:
All of our donors go through strict medical and psychological screening that ensures they do not have any genetic screening or their family had any medical condition running in the family.
Your client relations expert will let you know any performance history we have on an Egg Donor if such information is available. You can also know if the donor has had her own babies during that discussion.
No. Egg Donors sign a legal agreement that clearly mentions they will not claim custodial rights to the children born using their donated eggs.
Each potential donor has to meet our comprehensive and thorough screening requirements to be qualified to donate. A lot of testing is conducted, including a physical examination, psychological testing, genetic testing, drug testing, and testing for communicable diseases.
We get our donors from all around the world based on our hopeful parents’ demands. However, most of our donors live here in the USA or in Taiwan.
All your surrogacy funds are going to be held in a trust account managed by an experienced escrow company. This is to ensure that all monies due for surrogate reimbursements and fees are paid on time. Lastly, we will be in charge of all financial issues. This arrangement helps eliminate the payment-related part from your relationship with the hopeful parents during the surrogacy process.
Surrogacy laws vary from one US state to the other. Only a few states prohibit the practice, but among those that permit surrogacy arrangements, some have friendlier legislation than others. Hopeful parents should be able to go for surrogacy, provided they work with a gestational carrier in a state where the practice is legal. We have a big pool of surrogates who reside in states that are regarded as surrogacy-friendly.
No matter where you and your gestational carrier reside, every surrogacy arrangement must have a legally binding contract. You and your surrogate mother will each have your lawyer who will help draft the contract and make sure your interests are well represented and your rights, are protected. The surrogacy contract will include the surrogate compensation, likely risks, and the rights and responsibilities of each party.
At the surrogacy agency, we are here to help you navigate every single step of your parenthood journey. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding becoming a parent via surrogacy.
Surrogacy usually gives one or both intended parents the chance to share genetic ties with the baby. If you are an intended father with viable, healthy sperm or an intended mother with healthy eggs, your biological material can be utilized to produce the embryo. Most times, this permits both heterosexual couples to be the biological parents of their baby.
No, the birth certificate will bear your name. You, the intended parent, will be the one with full parental rights over the baby.
When using a Surrogate, medical care costs are a big concern for most Intended Parents. To eliminate this concern, we offer Universal Insurance to cover all medical expenses. This minimizes out-of-pocket costs for the Intended Parents. The Surrogate will be enrolled in an insurance plan that covers all medical expenses associated with her pregnancy. Costs included: physician’s visits, ultrasounds, surgical procedures, and other related expenses. With our policy, the Surrogate can choose their own physician and hospital, giving them access to the best possible medical care.
You can look for both simultaneously. It’s advisable to find a Surrogate first as it usually takes less time to get a donor and produce the embryos. However, if you choose to look for a Surrogate first, you may have to pay her in order to keep her on hold while you search for an egg donor.
1. Surrogates need to be within a certain age range
2. Be a non-smoker
3. Have an ideal BMI
4. Have carried at least one successful pregnancy without complications in the past
5. Have not been convicted of a felony
6. Be able to attend doctor appointments
7. Submit information about your medical and drug history
You are free to choose a known egg donor! Some hopeful parents already have someone they want to be their donors, like a sister or a close friend. However, we still suggest that you create a contract that addresses any likely complications than can result when using a known egg donor. The medical profile of the chosen donor will be submitted to our team to find out if she’s suitable to donate eggs. Screening will then be carried out as it is with anonymous donors. Click here to find out if someone you know is eligible to be an egg donor.
Of course, you may decide to use a family member or friend as a Surrogate mother. If you want to use an anonymous Surrogate, there are a lot of agencies out there that can help you through the process. Women who have had at least one healthy pregnancy and childbirth in the past are eligible to be Surrogates. They also need to be medically and psychologically healthy, show that they are financially stable, and be cleared to go ahead by our highly experienced doctor.
Definitely! Our in-house surrogacy program gives you the advantage of being presented with Surrogates who meet doctor-established criteria and have undergone extensive medical evaluations to be accepted into our program. For more info on our gestational surrogacy program, please click here.
Yes, you can! We’d be happy to assist you. In Our egg bank, we have quality donor eggs already frozen and ready to be used.
We further have a very extensive egg donor database that you can use to find an egg donor that meets all of your requirements/preferences. You can find out more about our egg donor options here.
A normal pregnancy and a surrogate pregnancy are very similar. There are no additional risks with a surrogate pregnancy. Please consult with your OB if you have questions.
Yes you can! The fallopian tubes are not used, instead, the embryo(s) are placed directly into the Surrogate’s uterus during the embryo transfer phase.
Injections are required in order to prepare your uterus for the embryo transfer. Our medical team will provide a calendar with a clear timetable and dosages. Typically, injections are required through the first trimester. Our support team is always here to answer any questions you may have.
Yes, provided your OB accepts the health insurance plan being utilized for the pregnancy. Many surrogates return to the physician that delivered their own children.
Being overweight does not necessarily disqualify you from being a surrogate. The IVF physician that performs your medical evaluation will make this determination. If you are considered to be obese, you may not qualify. If this is a concern for you, please call our office and speak with a representative.
After the first trimester, you will be released to your own local OB. They will oversee your medical care for the remainder of your pregnancy. If you need a new OB, we can provide a list of recommendations. You will be able to deliver at the hospital of your choice.
PGD is a specialized technique that is used for genetic testing of an embryo prior to its transfer. If a genetic disease runs in your family, we can perform PGD during IVF to select embryos without the disease for transfer, minimizing the risk of transferring it to your babies.
Every hopeful parent can benefit from embryo genetic testing. It raises the success chances of a fertility treatment cycle and makes sure you transfer a genetically normal embryo. If you aren’t sure whether you should do genetic screening, please click here to schedule a consultation with our fertility expert.
Chromosomal conditions are usually caused by changes in the number or structure of the chromosomes, i.e., having additional or missing genetic material. Severe chromosome issues can cause miscarriage or inability to get pregnant. If a child with a chromosomal abnormality is born, he/she might have mental retardation and developmental problems. Women older than 35 are at higher risk of having pregnancies affected with chromosomal disorders. A genetic condition occurs when one of the person’s genes is not functioning properly. There are various types of genetic conditions. Hopeful couples who are at risk of having a pregnancy that’s affected with a genetic condition are good candidates for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
After you have completed an IVF cycle, we are going to take some cells from the embryos and check them for the particular genetic condition or illness. Embryos that don’t have this condition can then be transferred.
PSG is a specialized diagnostic technique to check for chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. It helps identify which of the embryos is best for transfer.
PGS is often recommended for women with two or more consecutive pregnancy losses, women who are older or whose ovaries are not working properly, or those who have had several fertility treatment failures.
Some hopeful parents may also decide to undergo PGS testing for personal reasons. If you aren’t sure whether you should opt for genetic screening, please click here to schedule a consultation with our fertility expert.
The human body is composed of cells and within these cells are chromosomes. Chromosomes are threadlike structures in the cells that contain our genetic material (also known as genes). Our genes consist of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and include the information that enables our bodies to grow and work properly. Our genes and chromosomes are inherited from our parents through the sperm and egg.
If you decide to do PGS, you will first undergo an IVF cycle to produce embryos. We will then remove some cells from each embryo for genetic testing.
An embryo biopsy involves the removal of a small number of cells from the outermost layer of a day five embryo. At this developmental stage, the embryo is referred to as a blastocyst, so the technique may also be called a blastocyst biopsy.
You don’t have to worry about your embryos being damaged as a result of PGS testing. Blastocyst biopsy and embryo micromanipulation procedures are performed in fertility laboratories all around the world and have been employed in genetic cases for many years. Studies conducted so far have indicated that these procedures are 100% safe and do not cause any increased risk to babies born from “tested” embryos.
As women’s age increases, the number of eggs with chromosomal abnormalities also increases. PGS is carried out to check embryos for these abnormalities before they are transferred. The number one reason for IVF failure is chromosomal disorders of the transferred embryos, which often lead to miscarriage. By carrying out PGS, we can make sure the embryos are genetically normal before they are transferred, thereby significantly lowering the chance of pregnancy loss during the first three months of conception.
If you aren’t sure whether you are a good candidate for genetic screening, please click here to schedule a consultation so our fertility expert can give you some guidance.
We take the privacy of our Egg Donors very seriously. Nearly all of our donors are anonymous. In rare cases the donor and the Intended Parents choose to meet. Any private information provided through applications, interviews or other documents are all confidential.
They will have your first name, donor number, and public information such as age, height, education, health and family history information.
No. Unless there is a special request (which is rare), by the IPs to meet you, and you agree, there will not be any contact with the IPs.
Unless it is a special situation, you will have minimal information. You may only know whether the IPs are a single parent or a couple. In some cases, the sex of the parent(s).
The decision about notifying you of a pregnancy is up to the Intended Parents. Typically, they are okay with divulging the results, but some are not.
Yes. There will be a contract between you and the Intended Parents. This will outline your compensation for egg donation and emphasize that you will have no parental rights from any children born as a result of this donation. We provide you with independent legal counsel.
Although the timeline depends on the individual’s situation, the egg freezing process typically takes six weeks for most patients. This includes initial consultation, screening, and treatment planning.
The egg freezing process involves three main steps. First, you will require a fertility assessment, which involves blood tests and an ultrasound, so that the doctor can know your present fertility status. Next, you are going to inject yourself with medication that will encourage your ovaries to produce as many viable eggs as possible. The last step is the egg retrieval process, where your eggs will be collected and then frozen.
You can freeze eggs for as long as you want since frozen eggs don’t have an expiration date.
The best way to freeze your eggs is through a method known as vitrification. In this case, the eggs are quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen. This quick-freezing method prevents fluid in the eggs from turning to ice, which can cause damage during thawing.
The other method of freezing eggs is known as controlled or slow freezing, in which the eggs are frozen more slowly. Since eggs frozen using the slow-freezing method are more likely to form ice crystals and have lower survival rates, nearly all major clinics now perform vitrification.
Your eggs can be shipped to any clinic after they are frozen. However, we prefer shipping frozen eggs within the CCRM network in order to be sure of the thawing methods. An advantage of this is that CCRM is a big network with fertility clinics all across the country, so it shouldn’t be an issue.
The procedures needed for surrogacy depend on your situation and whether or not you are using donor eggs. If your eggs or that of your partner will be used to create the embryos, you will need to take fertility medications to promote egg production in the ovaries. You will then undergo a minimally invasive egg retrieval procedure at the appropriate time.
After the eggs are collected either from an egg donor or the intended mother, they are going to be fertilized with a donor’s sperm or the intended father’s sperm. The resulting embryos are incubated and evaluated for development before they are transferred to the womb of the surrogate.
Following the embryo transfer, the surrogate will undergo various tests to confirm that pregnancy has been achieved. The carrier will start to receive payments once a healthy fetal heartbeat is heard a few months after the transfer. It’s important that you offer continuous emotional support to your surrogate during the pregnancy and be with her every single step of the process.
You can have your frozen embryos stored at our fertility clinic. If your own family is full, we will advise you on what to do with your embryos. If you would like to remove your embryos from storage, we can help you in the process. If you want, you can make use of your frozen embryos for surrogacy in the future.
A lot of our Surrogates already have an OB/GYN (obstetrician/gynecologist) they work with, and many are going to give birth at the same hospital where they deliver their own babies. All Surrogate mothers will give birth at a hospital close to their home. The decision on where to deliver the baby is usually made together with the obstetrician/gynecologist and the insurance firm, which may have some hospitals they approve. In some cases, our legal team will suggest that delivery take place at a particular hospital.
Intended Parents often want to witness the labor and childbirth process. Your Surrogate’s comfort and the policy of the hospital determine who will be present with the gestational carrier in the delivery room. After the baby is born, he or she will be placed in the nursery or a room given to you. According to the policies of most hospitals, the intended parents cannot take the baby home until the Surrogate has been discharged.
Childbirth is a wonderful, life-changing event for both the intended parents and the surrogate. In most cases, the hopeful parents will meet the surrogate at the clinic for this remarkable experience.
After the birth of the baby and the gestational surrogate is released from the clinic, the new family and the carrier can go back to their home – the intended parents with their bundle of joy and the surrogate mother with the satisfaction of gifting the wonderful gift of parenthood to someone in need. The connection between the new family and the surrogate will last forever, and they may choose to maintain this relationship throughout the baby’s life. We will also help foster this relationship and offer continued support that is required after the surrogacy journey.
We’ll review your COMPLETED application within 1-3 business days and let you know if you meet the initial criteria. If you do, we’ll schedule your brief egg donor phone interview. During your interview, we’ll discuss how the egg donation process works and answer any questions you may have.
Yes. If you have a friend or family member that is willing to do the injections for you, that is also an option.
It depends on the doctor’s protocol. Each person is a little different. Typically, it’s 10-12 days.
Once you are matched, it can take 3 to 4 months before your egg retrieval (depending on several variables).
Once you submit your application, you will hear from us within 72 hours if you qualify. If you can be accepted into our program we will ask you to complete an interview with us. During that interview you learn more about the process and get answers on any questions you may have.
Everyone is different. Some retrievals will result in 2 eggs, some will result in 20 or more. It depends on your body and how your body reacts to the medications.
You will travel to our location in San Diego, California. All costs will be paid upfront by us. All travel arrangements (flights, hotels, etc.) will be booked by us. You will only have to travel for the egg retrieval (7-9 days).
All the appointments in between will be done at a center local to you. If you are an international donor, you will only have to travel once, the duration of your trip will last 18-21 days to complete your donation cycle.
You may experience some cramping, bloating, or soreness/tenderness. We can prescribe pain medication as necessary, but we encourage rest and relaxation! We are also able to provide a physician’s note for school/work so you are afforded sufficient time to focus on recovery. Your coordinators on the Egg Donation and IVF Team will be maintaining communication to provide medical care as needed.
Reminder – recovery looks different for everybody, but regardless, you won’t be on your own!
During the procedure (the egg retrieval), you will be put under anesthesia for about 20-30 minutes. The eggs are drawn out of follicles with gentle suction from the help of ultrasound images. It is the same procedure that women undergo who freeze their eggs or go through IVF (in vitro fertilization) to get pregnant.
Unlike other egg programs, the process with our egg bank is very fast. You don’t need to wait to be matched with an Intended Parent. If your application is approved and selected by us we will let you know immediately and coordinate your egg retrieval process. Depending on your availability the entire process is 1-2 months.
Unlike other egg programs, the process with our egg bank is very fast. You don’t need to wait to be matched with an Intended Parent. If your application is approved and selected by us we will let you know immediately and coordinate your egg retrieval process. Depending on your availability the entire process is 1-2 months.
Our physician recommends bed rest for at least 24 hours.
Everyone is different. Some retrievals will result in 2 eggs, some will result in 20 or more. It depends on your body and how your body reacts to the medications.
There is no study showing that being an egg donor will affect your fertility in the future. The average woman is born with 2 million eggs. By puberty, that pool consists of about 400,000 follicles (eggs). From these, only 400 will reach maturity and be ovulated. This leaves approximately 399,600 unused. In a typical cycle a woman generally produces 15-20 eggs. Usually, only one egg is released for ovulation and the body discards the rest. During our ovarian stimulation process, we develop the extra eggs that would otherwise be destroyed. This explains why the normal pool of ovarian follicles is not depleted by egg donation.
The majority of our Egg Donors do donate multiple times because they find the process to be fulfilling and relatively easy. Egg donors are able to donate around 3 times per year, depending on the length of the process for each cycle. The maximum according to ASRM is 6 times. Our physicians can help determine this number on an individual basis.
Yes, the egg donation process is very safe with over 20,000 cycles being performed in the United States annually it is considered a routine procedure. The risks of egg donation are relatively low, with serious problems being uncommon.
“There are no long-term adverse risks of IVF” or egg donation,” said Richard J. Paulson, president of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), and head of the infertility program at the University of Southern California – one of the nation’s oldest egg donor programs.
During the procedure (the egg retrieval), you will be put to sleep for about 20-30 minutes, so you will not feel anything. Following the procedure, some may experience mild cramping and bloating. You may or may not experience some of the symptoms.
Every person is different, so the effects of the process will vary, but if you feel pain – relax, it is definitely more than manageable.
There is no study showing that being an egg donor will affect your fertility in the future. The average woman is born with 2 million eggs. By puberty, that pool consists of about 400,000 follicles (eggs). From these, only 400 will reach maturity and be ovulated. This leaves approximately 399,600 unused. In a typical cycle a woman generally produces 15-20 eggs. Usually, only one egg is released for ovulation and the body discards the rest. During our ovarian stimulation process, we develop the extra eggs that would otherwise be destroyed. This explains why the normal pool of ovarian follicles is not depleted by egg donation.
You may speak directly with one of our physicians if you would like to discuss this further.
The majority of our Egg Donors do donate multiple times because they find the process to be fulfilling and relatively easy. Egg donors are able to donate around 3 times per year, depending on the length of the process for each cycle. The maximum according to ASRM is 6 times. Our physicians can help determine this number on an individual basis.
You will need to have two regular periods between cycles or wait 2 months.
Our physician recommends bed rest for at least 24 hours.
To donate eggs, your BMI must be within a healthy range according to guidelines set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Even if it is not the most accurate scale, it does help to estimate a healthy weight-height distribution. In order to compensate for its slight discrepancy, we do accept donors that are considered slightly overweight according to the BMI scale. The reason we have to adhere to these guidelines is that if your BMI is high, your natural fertility may be affected, making the process of egg donation too risky for you. You may not respond well to the necessary ovarian stimulation needed for egg donation. It’s our responsibility to make sure all our egg donors are healthy and well enough to donate eggs. Your safety is our main concern which is why these guidelines are in place.
No, you can not be an egg donor when you are pregnant. You can also not be an egg donor while you are still breastfeeding. However, you can still fill out the pre-screen application to see whether you would be eligible. That way you can find out whether you would be eligible after you completed your pregnancy.
Yes, you can! Birth control removal will be discussed with your egg donor coordinator once accepted into the program. When it gets closer to the egg retrieval date, we will provide you with our birth control pills.s
Illnesses/medications are usually not an automatic disqualifier. However, for a lot of conditions/medications, our physicians decide on a case by case basis whether it makes you ineligible. We highly encourage you to complete the application with as much detail on your medical history or medication you take to help provide them with a better understanding of your health. Please keep in mind that our physicians look out for your best interest and that denial based on such medical conditions is to prevent any health complications or increased health risks when donating. We want to assure you that your safety is our top priority.
Yes, you may still become an egg donor after getting your tubes tied.
We get our donors in various ways! Actually, many of our donors find us. While some of our donors are referrals from a previous egg donor who has had a wonderful experience with us, others find our clinic through their own internet research or our advertisement. At the surrogacy agency, we take great pride in the qualities of the egg donors in our database.
Not all women can make egg donations. Although egg donor programs vary in the qualities they look for, certain criteria are quite general. Some rules are put in place for legal reasons, while other policies are made to raise the chances that a pregnancy will occur and that the process will be safe for the egg recipient and the donor.
At the surrogacy agency, we have an extensive approval process. Egg donors need to complete a questionnaire about her medical history, features, education, employment, and details of her previous donation cycle (if applicable). Her health history and that of her family are covered in the medical and genetic section of the questionnaire.
A lot of questions in this section are quite similar to those that will be asked about her at your fertility clinic. Donors with a history of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and alcoholism won’t be approved. Additionally, we screen applicants based on their body mass index (BMI) and only accept those whose BMI falls within the appropriate height/weight limits. Egg donors who are smokers or placed on some prescription drugs that may impact the cycle are immediately ruled out. Also, we don’t approve any donors who have had a tattoo within the previous year or have completed more than five egg donor cycles.
With increasing fertility treatment options for transgender people comes the demand for the expansion of insurance fertility coverage. We’re now seeing an increase in the numbers of insurance companies and plans providing coverage for sperm and egg freezing for trans men and women.
After your initial consultation, your doctor will give you an outline of the treatment plan and the associated costs. Note that the costs will vary based on the type of treatment being recommended. Fortunately, there are various financing options and additional rate plans you can consider if you are without health insurance. You can contact our fertility center for more details.
This depends whether or not infertility treatment has been purchased as a benefit. Some insurance providers may cover a portion of treatment if it is a medical necessity. Benefits vary by insurance policy. We always encourage our patients to reach out to their provider for an explanation of coverage.
Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC accepts both “in-network” and “out of network” insurance. We work with Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, Healthnet, Tricare, and United Health Care. Prior to your consultation we will verify your insurance benefits and review detailed coverage information at your consultation. In cases where insurance is not accepted, our coordinators will arrange for discounted cash pricing. In cases where your insurance plan is not accepted or your insurance does not offer coverage, we are able to work with each patient one on one to make fertility treatment expenses affordable.
As a transgender person, freezing your eggs or sperm gives a fertility option to have biological children in the future. No matter where you’re transitioning from female to male or vice versa, the best thing to do is to plan ahead as early as possible. While it’s also important for cisgender people to plan ahead, it’s extremely important for transgender individuals since fertility preservation affects cross-sex hormone therapy.
The most popular fertility treatments used by transgender individuals include IUI, IVF, egg freezing, embryo freezing, donor egg IVF, reciprocal IVF, gestational carrier IVF, etc. Click here to see a complete list of the services offered at our fertility clinic.
Intrauterine Insemination, also called artificial insemination, is a procedure in which sperm is introduced in a female reproductive tract through other means aside from sexual intercourse. For a lot of single intended mothers or couples where only one of the partners chooses to partake in the conception process, IUI is a good fertility option to consider.
Insemination involves the introduction of sperm into the woman’s womb (IUI, intrauterine insemination) or the cervix (intracervical insemination, ICI). For this procedure, frozen sperm is sentto the doctor and then thawed on the day of insemination.
The options availableinclude an anonymous, known, or open-door donor. You need to ask your obstetrician/gynecologist or coordinator for any recommendations that can help you navigate this process.
IVF is a process where a woman’s ovaries are stimulated to produce many eggs, which are then fertilized in the laboratory to create embryos. These embryos are incubated in the lab for some days and then placed into the womb with the hope of achieving a healthy pregnancy.
Reciprocal IVF, otherwise known as Co-IVFor shared motherhood, is when one ofthe partners donates the eggs while the other partner carries the pregnancy. This is an attractive option for many hopeful couples as it allows both partners to be biologically involved in the conception of the baby.
We always advise our Intended Parents to try to get a healthy weight before conception. We also recommend that you start taking a prenatal vitamin containing DHA and at least 800 micrograms of folic acid. If you are the type that drinks or smokes, we recommend that you quit before trying to get pregnant. During your consultation, we will carry out some blood tests toevaluate your overall health, like testing for anemia, testing your thyroid levels, etc.
Many lesbian couples prefer to go with a natural IUI (intrauterine insemination) using donor sperm, where we monitor the progression of your ovulation cycle, but help schedule the IUI so that it takes place within the window during which the woman is most likely to conceive. We will give you sperm bank recommendations, so you can choose from a large pool of donors available. The sperm banks we suggest abide by FDA guidelines when screening for transmittable diseases before releasing the sperm. Some hopeful couples may choose to pursue IUI but also use mild stimulation medications. The medications will encourage the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, increasing the couple’s chance of successful fertilization and implantation in a cycle. Other lesbian couples may opt for standard IVF or reciprocal IVF. If you are not sure what fertility treatment will be best for you, please contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts.
No, it’s not necessary. However, there are several tests you need to undergo if you want to know which of you will be the better candidate to donate the eggs or carry the pregnancy. We alsohave to consider certain factors, like your age, body weight, and how well your ovaries are producing eggs, to determine the best options for you to conceive.
Lesbian couples may decide to pursue an IVF cycle in order to harvest the eggs from one partner, fertilize them with donor sperm, and transfer the resulting embryos into the womb of the other partner, who will carry the baby. This is known as“Reciprocal IVF” and allows both partners to be actively involved in the process of conceiving a baby.
找到代母的最佳方式是通过信誉良好的代孕机构,比如“医生关怀代孕中心”(Physician’s Surrogacy)。由代孕机构专业人士安排整个过程非常关键,以确保您的孕程安全和顺利。
代孕母亲只是孕育并分娩孩子的人,同新生儿没有遗传上的联系,因为使用的是准母亲的卵子/捐赠卵子来创建胚胎。 Physician’s Surrogacy 仅提供试管婴儿代孕
There’s not one answer to this question of a Surrogate Mother price, as the overall cost depends on several factors involved in surrogacy. Your Intended Parents’ coordinator will outline the services required during surrogacy and our fixed-rate compensation cost structure. Immediately after your complimentary consultation, we will provide a price quotation. The quotation will follow your circumstances and preferences. At Physician’s Surrogacy, we pride ourselves on our transparency with our services and pricing. Schedule a free consultation today to receive a transparent quote that will help you understand the total cost of surrogacy.
The total cost of a surrogacy arrangement includes numbers of factors such as agency fees, Surrogate compensation, medical expenses, fertility clinic fees and legal fees. However, there are more parameters that also affect the surrogacy costs like country, state, special medical condition etc. Hence, depending on these variables, total expenses incurred in surrogacy differs greatly. It is always best to consult a surrogacy expert to get a better understanding about different factors that can impact the surrogacy costs.
The best method for International clients interested in finding a surrogate in the US is to partner with a reputed surrogacy agency that has experience working with international clients. We can provide guidance and support throughout the surrogacy process, including finding a Surrogate, managing legal and logistical details. We make sure to match international clients with Surrogates who align with parent’s preferences. When considering surrogacy in the US, international clients should consider the following criteria:
Both the surrogate and intended parents will undergo medical screening to assess their health status. Then the surrogate mother will undergo In vitro fertilization (IVF) process and the embryo transfer.
Just like any other medical process, surrogacy also has risks associated with it. A fertility expert can help you understand what complications may arise and what precautions you should follow.
Gestational Surrogacy with egg donation boasts very high pregnancy success rates. It allows both the intended parents to have genetic connection with the baby while the Surrogate Mother does not have any biological connection with the baby she carries. This is why the surrogacy process is way more legally safe.
A surrogacy agreement is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a surrogacy arrangement between intended parents and a surrogate mother. The agreement typically covers the following:
美國生殖醫學會(ASRM)主席Richard J. Paulson表示:“試管嬰兒或捐卵對身體都沒有潛在風險”。保爾森領導的南加州大學不孕不育項目包含美國最早的捐卵項目之一,該計劃於1986成立。 也表示到目前為止,我們所有的數據顯示不會存在長期的問題。”
妳將前往我們加州的醫療中心完成捐卵週期。所有旅行安排(航班,酒店等)將由我們來安排。整個捐卵旅程妳只需要親自至RSMC 中心2次。第一次進行醫學篩查(1日行程),第二次進行實際取卵(一共住宿4-7天)。如果你不是居住在美國本土的捐卵者, 你將需要在美國停留14天左右來完成捐卵週期。
• 子宫内受精(IUI):通过绕过宫颈直接将处理后的精子注射到子宫中。为了增加一个或多个卵子在输卵管内受精的几率,可以将受孕与卵巢刺激相结合。
• 体外受精(IVF):即体外受精。 IVF是最常用的不孕症治疗技术之一,其中在实验室的培养皿中将卵子与精子结合。一旦受精发生,产生的胚胎会发育数天,然后放入子宫。
• 卵细胞内单精子注射(ICSI):通常用于男性因素不孕症、原因不明的不孕症或那些传统IVF尝试失败的患者。在ICSI生育治疗中,使用微小的针头将单个精子注射到成熟的卵子中。一旦受精发生,胚胎会发育数天,然后被移植到子宫中。
• 卵子捐献用于没有卵子或卵子不健康的女性。一位年轻的卵子捐献者进行卵巢刺激和卵子采集程序,将她的卵子捐赠给另一位患者。卵子将与伴侣的精子受精,然后将产生的胚胎移植到患者的子宫中。
• 怀孕代孕者(孕育代理):植入一个与其无生物关系的胚胎,以实现不孕夫妇的妊娠。建议那些没有子宫或因医学原因无法怀孕的女性进行该项治疗。夫妇接受IVF程序,将产生的胚胎移植到代孕者的子宫中。
• 捐精或捐胚:适用于无法使用其伴侣的精子或自己的胚胎怀孕生育的女性。
您依然可以购买捐卵,即使您还没有准备好进行胚胎移植。您可以购买捐卵,并将其存储在 RSMC,直到您和您的生育诊所准备开始下一步治疗。请联系我们以获取更多详细信息。
他們不能知道您的真實姓名,只有您的匿名和年紀、身高 、健康狀況等資訊。
Email us at family@fertile.com if you have any questions before signing up for a consultation. Our expert team is happy to assist you.
Your new patient forms have been submitted and received. We look forward to seeing you at your appointment.
Please complete the form so we can best serve and help you with your journey towards parenthood.
You are all set and good to move forward. Focus on the treatment program and let’s bring your baby to you.
Based on the findings you can choose the right treatment package and payment plan including insurance program authorization, paying fully, or selecting the installment contract.
You can bring your card along when visiting for consultation or take a nice and clean pic of the insurance card and send it over email, fax, or through your patient portal.
You will travel to our San Diego location (all expenses covered) for retrieval. Eggs are retrieved vaginally through a 15-minute minimally invasive procedure under sedation. You will return home between 24-48 hours after your retrieval
Testosterone causes significant changes in the body. These can include stopping menstrual cycles and egg production. If you have already begun a hormonal transition, you need to stop testosterone to allow the eggs in your ovaries to develop again. The return of normal menstrual cycles suggests that the ovaries have resumed their normal ovulatory function. While it is possible to restore fertility after stopping testosterone intake, there isn’t a 100% guarantee. Transgender men who still have a womb can carry a pregnancy to term but will need to go off testosterone because it can inhibit the growth of a developing baby.
Medications used to prevent the body’s own release of LH and FSH from the pituitary gland (see Table 2). Note: The GnRH agonists (Lupron) can also be used to induce a flare-up or LH “surge.”
You will travel to our San Diego location (all expenses covered) for retrieval. Eggs are retrieved vaginally through a 15-minute minimally invasive procedure under sedation. You will return home between 24-48 hours after your retrieval.
Both you and the Intended Parents will have attorneys appointed to discuss agreements and create your contracts. If the Lucina Egg Bank selects you as a banking donor, you will create a contract directly with Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC.
Once you are matched with either Lucina’s Egg Bank or an Intended Parent, we will conduct a comprehensive medical screening and psychological evaluation.
We will create a profile that highlights your most extraordinary qualities. We will present your profile toprospective Intended Parents and the Lucina egg banking committee.
“I have a whole new appreciation to give to surrogates and surrogacy san diego as a whole because of this agency. I gave birth to twins Nov 9, 2015 because of this agency and couldn’t be more thrilled with them all! The staff is wonderful, patient, caring, and they’re there to help every step of the way. They make sure you get everything you deserve and have all of the support you could ever want or need. The support group meetings are always fun and filled with food and I was so happy with this agency and I know if anyone looking for a potential agency looks into Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, they won’t be let down!! Thank you, RSMC for everything you did to help me complete a family.”
“In my quest to fulfill my dream of helping a family though surrogacy I researched several agencies in the California area, I found so many great reviews on Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC. I called and the staff was quick to answer all my questions. They certainly helped put my mind at ease and was the first agency (I called several) that I spoke with where I finally sensed “this is where I belong.” I immediately felt like they cared for my best interested and walked me through every step pf the matching process, no question of mine was ever too big or too small. Within just a couple of months of my profile being listed I had a conference call with a potential set of intended parents. A short time later, it was a match! It just took one phone call and I knew that all my wishes in what I was looking for in a set of intended parents had been listened to and met. Not long after, I had to travel for my initial medical clearance, surrogacy agency made all my travel arrangements and were in constant contact with me. Not quite
a year after my matching process and I am quickly nearing delivery of my first surrogate baby. The entire staff at the surrogacy agency has helped make this the most positive, joyful experience I could’ve ever imagined. If I ever need anything, my coordinator is quick to get on it and be sure it’s taken care of. I have gotten phone calls and texts from the staff congratulating me on important milestones (heartbeat confirmation, 20-week ultrasound, first, second and third trimester, etc.) surrogacy agency has always made me feel like family, I couldn’t have asked for a more pleasant experience!”
“Physician’s Surrogacy is an amazing agency. As a first-time surrogate, I knew that helping someone have a family was something I wanted to do, however, I had no idea how life changing this would be. I was matched with a wonderful couple — it could not have been any better of a match. For this couple, I carried twins, a boy, and a girl. Throughout my pregnancy, I felt supported, cared for, and appreciated by my IPs and everyone at the surrogacy agency. When I look back on my experience, I realize that I have given a couple a beautiful family, gained a good friend (Mom), and developed a new level of closeness with my husband. I am changed forever in a beautiful way!”
“Successful journey! So happy I was able to deliver this healthy baby boy for his family. I completed my first surrogate journey & the process went smoothly & my case manager Erika was always there when I needed her! If you’re looking for a surrogate agency, I would highly suggest Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC. I have had no issues and I am so thankful for the medical team & the staff that helped me & the intended parents.”
Surrogate and Intended Parents are matched based on detailed criteria. A comprehensive legal contract is signed with clear legal guidelines for each party
You will travel to our San Diego location with all necessary expenses covered. One of our skilled physicians will retrieve the eggs vaginally through a minimally invasive procedure.
由於這是我的第一次捐卵,RSMC的專業人員,詳細為我解釋整個流程和用藥注意事項,才知道原來捐卵是取女性身體未使用剩餘的卵子,而不是網路上謠傳的如此傷身。最後順利到美國完成捐卵,我的身體恢復得很快,經過檢查後,隔天就飛到東岸,開始環遊美國之旅,最令我感到貼心的,是RSMC的員工姊姊,知道我要去旅遊不但推薦許多景點,還熱心告訴我旅行要注意的事項,更留下她的電話,叮嚀我若遇到狀況,可以打電話請她幫忙!滿滿的人情味,讓我不得不推薦RSMC !
“It breaks my heart to know some people are unable to have a child of their own. I became a donor because helping someone have a child is an amazing thing. I wanted to give a part of me (that I luckily have) to someone else and change their lives.”
“I know there are couples out there that can’t have children and I’ve seen firsthand how devastating that can be, seeing my best friend go through her lowest point in life when she found out she couldn’t have children due to health issues. I believe everyone has a purpose in life and I strongly believe this was my purpose. There would be no greater feeling than giving someone a chance at a family, something that many of us take for granted.”
“I wanted to become an egg donor for many reasons. First, my passion for health leads me to admire the ability of the human body to reproduce. I am currently taking an embryology course and I find all of it so fascinating! I believe it would be an incredible honor to help someone who could not otherwise have a child fulfill their dreams of having one. This knowledge alone is a huge benefit to me! And any compensation helped me pursue my own dreams of becoming a women’s health specialist by helping fund my current medical school education.”
If you meet the pre-qualifications you will be asked to complete part 2 of the application, which will ask in-depth questions about your personality traits, family medical history, and more.
Create an account and complete the pre-qualification application to find out if you qualify. You will find out instantly whether you can be accepted. This application is not a commitment, it’s a simple way to find out if you’re eligible to become an egg donor.
Currently the infertility industry is segmented and each treatment or service is handled by a different provider. Our full-integrated model streamlines an otherwise complicated process. We exist to revolutionize the industry by providing a one-stop-service model to help our patients navigate through the infertility maze, minimizing financial, physical and emotional risks.
The surrogacy agency is fully transparent about the pricing of procedures and any additional costs that may occur before your treatment begins. Some clinics may lower prices before the contract signing but charge more at a later date. We make it our priority that our patients are aware of any potential additional pricing that may occur during the treatment.
Our clinic focuses on family building options regardless of your sexual orientation or the gender you identify yourself. We are actively taking additional steps to make members of the LGBT community feel welcome at our clinic. All of our patient-facing staff undergoes LGBT training for family-building clinicians to better support and make you feel welcome.
Our internationally respected team of experts are advancing IVF technologies to enter into a future generation of better outcomes for infertility. While you will have one physician guiding you, you will also benefit from the combined experience and insights of our physicians during weekly case review collaboration meetings. That way you will not only be able to rely on the expertise of one fertility expert, but multiple renowned specialists.
Our team specializes in challenging cases and accept patients who may have been deemed “hopeless” at other clinics. Due to our customized solutions, expertise and full-range of internal collaboration, we are able to maximize pregnancy success rates that surpass the industry average even in complicated cases.
Every situation is unique and every body needs different treatments. Our fertility experts use over 40 customized protocols to increase success rates for our patients whereas many facilities take a “protocol fits all” approach.
The personalized approach even extends to our IVF lab. Our full-time laboratory director and lab team nurture each egg and embryo to support the maximum success of each and every cycle.
We believe that we have the most affordable pricing available in the area. Should you have received a better pricing quote from another local fertility clinic for the same treatment plan we will happily match the price.
Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC is fully transparent about the pricing of procedures and any additional costs that may occur before your treatment begins. Some clinics may lower prices before the contract signing but charge more at a later date. We make it our priority that our patients are aware of any potential additional pricing that may occur during the treatment.
Our 3rd Generation IVF, also known as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), is beyond exceptional with our very own specialist leading the medical team. We screen for and identify specific genetic diseases, eliminating inheritance in future generations.
The state-of-the-art laboratory accounts for 30-40% of our success rates. Count on centralized control and strict oversight by an experienced, full-time lab director.
Physician’s Surrogacy, the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC, has a distinct
advantage over other clinics. You’ll have a higher chance of success with our extensive and specialized protocols. We provide customized care that considers many factors contributing to infertility and identifies the best next steps.
Everything you need is in-house, which makes your journey easier. We provide consistent communication and care while guiding you through the process.
Our expansive surrogacy program features a stringent screening and selection process. This ensures our surrogates are healthy and highly qualified to carry a pregnancy to term.
When it comes to your journey, our goal is to make it as smooth and seamless as possible. Our proprietary insurance plans cover third party-related medical expenses as well as unexpected situations.
A surrogate is a partner throughout your journey. Our surrogacy program has a strict screening and selection process so you can trust your surrogate is healthy and highly qualified to carry a pregnancy to term.
The path to parenthood is a physical and emotional journey. Count on qualified physicians and reproductive specialists to guide you through each step for a successful pregnancy.
You’ll have a higher chance of finding a perfect match with our egg donation program, which features diverse women of various backgrounds.
Feel confident knowing our doctors and embryologists have more than 150 years combined experience, resulting in high surrogate and egg donor pregnancy rates (80% and 87% respectively).
If IVF or IUI is not an option, RSMC helps you find a surrogate through our in-house, OB-managed surrogacy program. Through our program, all Surrogates have been pre-screened with our proprietary process, offering you peace of mind and confidence by ensuring their medical and emotional readiness to help you achieve your dream. Our program is less than 50% below the national average for pre-term delivery rates, maximizing the safety for both the Surrogate and your baby. An experienced physician will closely monitor the pregnancy along with your case manager. Detailed reports are sent directly to you on a weekly basis. Your Surrogate has a dedicated case manager and psychologist to support her throughout the journey.
Egg donation allows individuals and couples to experience parenthood by using another woman’s eggs. Utilizing donor eggs is a great option for women who have undergone treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation. After these treatments, women are unable to naturally reproduce using their own eggs. The process involves utilizing eggs from another woman and fertilizing them with sperm to create an embryo. The embryo is then implanted in the intended mother or surrogate’suterus via IVF.
Today, the power is in your hands to delay parenthood to pursue your career, educational or personal goals. Most women don’t realize there is a dramatic decline in egg quality during your 30s and fertility preservation puts you in control of your timeline. The process is similar to IVF, but instead of the embryos being created and transferred, they are cryopreserved and stored. Once you have discussed everything with your partner and standard fertility testing has been completed, your physician determines which option is best for you. We have made fertility preservation even more accessible by offering one of the most egg freezing programs.
This option makes it possible for both you and you partner to have a biological connection to your child. It is the exact same process as IVF. However, the eggs are retrieved from one partner and the resulting embryos are transferred into the carrying mother’s uterus. Since you are going through the process together, fertility medications are used to sync your cycles. The woman who is providing the eggs goes through an ovarian stimulation cycle and the egg retrieval procedure.
IVF is another popular option for many situations, especially if you are using donor eggs. In the process of IVF, you/your partner/Egg Donor undergo ovarian stimulation to develop mature eggs which are then removed from the ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory. The resulting embryos are transferred into either your uterus, your partner’s uterus, or a Gestational Carrier if needed. Moreover, our IVF pricing is one of the most comprehensive ones in California and neighboring states.
Also referred to as artificial insemination, in which washed and prepared sperm is placed near the egg inside the uterus during an ovulation cycle. Fertility drugs are used to help track ovulation and increase your chances of success. In this case, your or your partner’s eggs and donor sperm will be used for embryo creation.
You’ll find your perfect match through our extensive donor database. Whether you are looking for a donor with high IQ, specific aesthetics, gifts or talents, our matching program assures you select the characteristics most important to you.
Your journey to parenthood will be shorter and more predictable because of our Egg Bank. Quality donor eggs are frozen through vitrification and stored in our on-site laboratory. Electing to use bank to eggs puts you in control of your timeline, since they are available for immediate use. Additionally, selecting donors from our bank eliminates waiting time and unforeseen setbacks. You will maximize success rates due to a guaranteed yield of high quality, mature eggs.
Your journey to parenthood will be shorter and more predictable because of our Egg Bank. Quality donor eggs are frozen through vitrification and stored in our on-site laboratory. Electing to use banked eggs puts you in control of your timeline since they are available for immediate use. Additionally, selecting donors from our bank eliminates waiting time and unforeseen setbacks. You will maximize success rates due to a guaranteed yield of high-quality, mature eggs.
The simplest option is natural conception through sexual intercourse. If you or your female partner is facing an infertility problem, your health insurance may cover the treatment costs.
If you are considering growing a family before undergoing hormone therapy and/or gender confirmation surgery, sperm banking is an essential step you need to take. If you choose to freeze your sperm after starting hormone therapy, you would require a short pause in therapy in order to produce a good specimen.
If your partner is another trans man, your frozen eggs can be inseminated with the donor’s sperm to produce embryos. The resulting embryo can then be transferred into a Surrogate who will help you carry the pregnancy
If you’re partnered with a trans woman, your frozen eggs can be inseminated with a donor’s or your partner’s sperm (if available) to produce embryos, which are then transferred into a Surrogate, who will carry the pregnancy
Your partner’s sperm can be used to fertilize your frozen eggs. You may also need a Surrogate to carry the pregnancy for you.
Before transitioning and starting testosterone therapy, there is an option to conceive through intrauterine insemination (IUI) using donor sperm.
If your partner is another trans man, your frozen eggs can be inseminated with the donor’s sperm to produce embryos. The resulting embryo can then be transferred into a Surrogate who will help you carry the pregnancy
If your partner is a cis woman, you can use your own frozen eggs to form embryos. These are then implanted into the womb of your partner, who will carry the baby to term (Reciprocal IVF/Partner Assisted IVF). You are going to need donor sperm in this case.
Egg freezing or oocyte preservation is an essential family-building option for transgender men who intend to use their own eggs to create a biologically related baby in the future. Since egg quality, egg quantity, and female fertility all decline with age, the younger you are when freezing your eggs, the higher the chance of successful conception in the future. Eggs can be frozen for as long as you want, and once they are frozen, the health of the eggs will remain stable without decreasing in quality over time. We have made egg freezing highly transgender couples and individuals.
Testosterone causes significant changes in the body. These can include stopping menstrual cycles and egg production. If you have already begun a hormonal transition, you need to stop testosterone to allow the eggs in your ovaries to develop again. The return of normal menstrual cycles suggests that the ovaries have resumed their normal ovulatory function. While it is possible to restore fertility after stopping testosterone intake, there isn’t a 100% guarantee. Transgender men who still have a womb can carry a pregnancy to term but will need to go off testosterone because it can inhibit the growth of a developing baby.
Our egg bank makes your journey to fatherhood shorter and less risky. It puts you in complete control of your timeline since banked eggs are available for immediate use. Selecting from our egg bank also eliminates waiting time and unforeseen setbacks. When you use our egg bank, you are guaranteed high-quality eggs, which maximizes success rates. Get Egg Bank Access.
You can also use the eggs of someone you know, such as a close friend or family member. You’ll already know your donor’s personality, and potentially their health and family background. They will also have the unique opportunity to be a part of your child’s life, which can be incredibly rewarding. A known donor will still be required to go through the same screening and retrieval process as an anonymous donor
If you decide to go with an anonymous donor, surrogacy agency has an extensive donor database to choose from. Our donors are thoroughly screened to ensure that they have high-quality and viable eggs. Our extensive database consists of a wide variety of donors worldwide, allowing you to select the Egg Donor that best suits your wants and needs.
There are a variety of hormones associated with reproduction. We typically test for levels of FHS, LH and AMH to determine your remaining egg supply. FHS levels are a good indicator of egg production. LH levels trigger ovulation and development of the corpus luteum. AMH indicates the presence of growing follicles. Hormone testing will also determine which partner has the highest quality eggs.
Excellent care and great support services! They spent a huge amount of time with me and my husband as we weighed different options. We got pregnant after transferring just one embryo! I can’t think of a single negative thing or reservation about recommending Physician’s Surrogacy which is the partner surrogacy agency of RSMC. Everything was great, which isn’t easy in what can be a difficult process.
I am enthusiastically offering this positive patient feedback on behalf of the doctors and amazing staff at Reproductive Sciences Medical Center in Del Mar. My wife and I dreamed of having children since we fell in love 13 years ago. When it was finally time, we tried and tried until we realized it just wasn’t going to work the old-fashioned way (though we had a lot of fun!)
We searched for the best assistance with our fertility issues and found it with surrogacy agency. We could not have been treated better throughout our journey, which can be very emotional at times. The care we received at the surrogacy agency made all the difference. In the end, we were blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby boy!
We couldn’t be more pleased with the surrogacy agency staff and our outcome! We are so thrilled to have 2 healthy babies from just 1 viable embryo! What a tribute to the extraordinary skills of the doctors and the whole surrogacy agency staff. We wouldn’t go anywhere else if we try again, and will continue to refer our friends and rave about our experience. Thank you for our miracle babies! Without you, our family wouldn’t be the same. We will forever be grateful!
Because I am Chinese and grew up in a medical family, I have used many Chinese therapies to try to overcome infertility issues. However, after 6 years of trying and numerous Chinese doctors (Acupuncture, herbs, etc.), there was still no success in sight. We went to another IVF clinic and did not get pregnant in the first cycle.
While seeing your reproductive endocrinologist, you discuss your efforts and failed attempts. Your doctor may draw blood, test and evaluate hormone levels, as well as collect a sperm sample from your partner. There are several tests and evaluations your doctor will use to determine infertility. (Infertility Diagnosis and Testing) Once lab results are back, your doctor will discuss the treatment options and next steps. While the road leading to this point may not have been easy, you are not alone.
Our medical team at the surrogacy agency will help you have the family of your dreams. We specialize in challenging cases and are dedicated to helping you achieve your family goals.
It’s been months, maybe a year, since you’ve started trying. Tracking your ovulation and planning accordingly has not been successful. You and your partner start to google reasons why you’re not able to conceive with the hope of finding a new method. You try the recommended methods, but the result is the same. Uneasiness sets in and you both decide it’s time to see a fertility specialist.
It’s been a couple of months and your period continues to be consistent and on time. You may start to wonder if your timing is off. During this phase, you may try to be more clever and start utilizing ovulation trackers to understand your fertility window.
Now that you know when you are ovulating, you plan accordingly, hoping for a positive result. Unfortunately, no signs of pregnancy occur. You start to become concerned and compare your situation to those of your friends and family who were able to conceive in the same amount of time.
After you and your partner have decided it’s time to start a family, you both stop using birth control and let nature take its course. At this time, you may not be tracking your fertility window and may be having sex whenever the mood is right.
Following the preimplantation genetic screening process, which makes sure there are normal numbers of chromosomes and diagnoses possible genetic disorders, the most viable, healthiest embryos are selected for freezing. Thanks to the development of vitrification also known as flash freezing, you have a better chance of having a successful pregnancy using frozen embryos. Vitrification enables over 90% of frozen embryos to survive the thawing process and prevents them from declining in quality. Your embryos are gently handled and securely stored in our on-site lab. Unlike other fertility laboratories, the surrogacy agency has a lab director that works full time, which shows our commitment to quality since more than 40 % of IVF success depends on the laboratory.
For fertilization to take place, the harvested egg and best-quality sperm are “mixed” and left in a Petri dish containing a culture media and then placed in an incubator. This dish is closely watched to check if fertilization has occurred. Once the eggs are fertilized, they are referred to as an embryo or a blastocyst on the 5th day of development. Our in-house embryologist will then nurture the embryos until they are ready to be implanted or frozen, even if that means working outside the standard operating time. For instance, if an oocyte is not yet mature, we will wait for it to achieve maturation and then ICSI it at the right time.
The egg retrieval is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure, that lasts approximately 20-30 minutes. You will be put to sleep by anesthesia for the procedure. Using ultrasound technology, your physician will retrieve the eggs with a fine, hollow needle attached to an ultrasound scan probe. Once the eggs are retrieved, the partner’s fresh or frozen sample of semen or donated sperm you have selected beforehand is washed.
The day after hatching, the embryo is transferred to the uterus where it will hopefully implant and result in a successful pregnancy.
The embryo is held with a specialized holding pipette. A very delicate, hollow needle is used to expel the acidic solution against the outer “shell” (zona pellucida) of the embryo. The acidic solution creates a small hole in the shell.
The collected sperm are examined and evaluated for their health, strength, and motility. The patient may choose to utilize the sperm to fertilize his partner’s or a donor’s egg or may also choose to preserve the sperm for later use.
The collected sperm samples are separated into multiple containers. Skilled lab technicians will use cryoprotectant, a substance used to protect the sperm from freezing damage. The frozen vials of sperm are stored in the lab until the patient is ready to use them
The male patient will provide a semen sample through masturbation. If the patient does not produce sperm in the ejaculation, a sperm sample may be taken from his testes involving MESA, a surgical retrieval.
When the embryos are ready for PGS and PGD testing, six to eight cells are extracted from the embryo (usually after day 5 or 6). This is called a blastocyst biopsy. During the biopsy, our laboratory technician uses a narrow biopsy pipette to remove cells from the outer layer of cells (trophectoderm). The embryologist will then freeze the embryo and wait for the test results.
Genetic testing is usually completed within one day of the embryo biopsy, which allows for a timely embryo transfer. During this step, chromosomes are inspected for genetic abnormalities.
After the egg has been fertilized, embryos are transferred into a fluid that allows them to develop for several days. On day three, the healthy embryos should have developed into eight cells.
The dish is placed in an incubator to allow for fertilization. After fertilization has taken place, the embryo is then transferred into the uterus or frozen for future implantation.
A hysteroscopy may also be used to determine if there is scarring, uterine fibroids, or polyps in a woman’s uterus. A long camera is inserted into the vagina and its feed appears on a monitor for examination. The turnaround time for this test is within a day.
This test is usually reserved for women over 35 who are more likely to have a low ovarian reserve. It is a series of blood and imaging tests that help determine the quality and quantity of eggs available for ovulation. The turnaround time for this test is within a day.
A sperm sample is taken from the man’s semen or is extracted from his testes if he has trouble ejaculating with sperm. Motile sperm are selected, prepared, and washed for insemination. Additionally, the woman’s eggs are surgically extracted from her ovaries. Mature eggs are chosen for injection.
Once ovulation occurs, the washed and selected sperm will be inserted using a thin catheter (tube) through your cervix and into the uterus. If ovulation doesn’t occur, you may be administered an HCG shot. Once the shot is administered, the insemination process will continue within 24 to 40 hours.
IUI typically takes place during a natural ovulation cycle without the use of fertility drugs. The procedure is done between day 12 and 16 of a woman’s menstrual cycle. In certain situations, fertility drugs may be used to help stimulate your ovaries and develop multiple mature eggs for fertilization. If needed, fertility drugs are typically administered at the beginning of a menstrual cycle.
A contrast dye is injected into the uterus and an X-ray is taken to detect abnormalities in the uterine cavity. This examination will determine whether there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes that prevents movement of the egg from the ovaries. The turnaround time for this test is within a day.
There are a variety of hormones associated with reproduction. We may test for levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) to determine your remaining egg supply. High FSH may indicate ovarian failure or perimenopause. Low FSH levels may indicate reduced egg production, while AMH indicates the presence of growing follicles. The turnaround time for this test is within a day.
Once a donor is matched, the intended mother/Surrogate and the donor will undergo medical screening and start the cycle synchronization. You have to partner with a fertility clinic to complete this step. The surrogacy agency itself is a full-service fertility center and has a reputable record of above national average success rate.
Both the intended mother/surrogate and the donor will undergo various medical and psychological screening. Once all the screenings are passed, the donor and recipient will start taking medications to synchronize their menstrual cycles.
The resulting embryos are transferred into the recipient’s womb. A blood test is done after two weeks to determine if the transfer was a success and pregnancy is achieved. The extra embryos can be frozen to be used later.
After the Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) process, which ensures there are normal chromosome numbers and detects potential genetic disorders, the healthiest embryos are chosen to be inserted into your (or a chosen surrogate’s) uterus. Two weeks after the embryo transfer, your physician will take a final blood test to measure the level of your hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone. Elevated hCG levels typically suggest a positive pregnancy test.
For fertilization to occur, the retrieved egg and highest-quality sperm are combined and left in a dish to culture in an incubator. The dish is closely monitored to see if any of the eggs have been fertilized. Once fertilized, the egg becomes an embryo, also called a blastocyst on the fifth day of development. Our full-time on-site embryologists nurture each embryo at the appropriate time even if it falls outside of standard business operating hours. For example: If an oocyte is immature, our lab will wait for maturation and then perform ICSI of the oocyte at the appropriate time.
egg retrieval is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure, that lasts approximately 20-30 minutes. You will be put to sleep by anesthesia for the procedure. Using ultrasound technology, your physician will retrieve your eggs with a fine, hollow needle attached to an ultrasound scan probe. Once the eggs are retrieved, your partner’s fresh or frozen sample of semen or donated sperm you have selected beforehand is utilized for fertilization. The sperm are washed, and the best-quality sperm extracted will be used to fertilize the eggs.
Your physician will create a personalized medication schedule that details the necessary fertility drugs and hormone injections you will need. Medication and injections are administered to stimulate your ovaries to develop a greater number of mature eggs for fertilization. Each woman responds to fertility drugs and hormones differently, so customized protocols are essential to success. We will monitor you carefully, helping you understand the changes in your body, and keep track of how your follicles are developing.
You have a higher chance for a successful pregnancy with the development of the “flash freezing” process, known as vitrification. Until vitrification was introduced a decade ago, frozen embryos had a very low implantation and live birth rate. One of the primary issues was the freezing process itself. The slow freezing method enabled ice crystals to form within the embryo, which damaged it to the point at which they were not longer viable. Fortunately, with the development vitrification, more than 90% of the frozen embryos survive thawing and are the same quality as fresh embryos.
Your eggs are handled and stored securely in surrogacy’s agency on-site laboratory. Unlike other fertility labs, surrogacy agency has a full time Laboratory Director which reflects our commitment to quality as the lab accounts for over 40% of the overall success of IVF.
A transvaginal ultrasound aspiration is used to retrieve eggs from the ovaries. The procedure is a minimally invasive, non-surgical and always conducted under sedation. The procedure itself lasts 10-20 minutes.
Hormone injections are administered for 10-14 days in order to stimulate the ovaries, so you release more eggs. Normally our bodies release just one egg each month but with cryopreservation the goal is to retrieve as many healthy eggs as possible.
The consultation will be dedicated to enhancing your understanding and setting realistic goals. Your fertility doctor will perform a physical exam and initial fertility tests. After the tests have been evaluated, our expert medical team will move forward with creating a personalized plan.
Once your physician creates your plan of care, you will meet with a financial coordinator. The coordinator will review with you a summary of the health benefits obtained from your insurance provider. The coordinator will provide you with a detailed quotation based on the treatment plan outlined by your physician and will also discuss any financial questions you may have. If you have obtained other quotes, we recommend you bring them to the appointment, and your financial coordinator can review them with you to compare the proposed services and costs.
Your Reproductive Endocrinologist will consider all factors and develop a comprehensive plan of care, also known as your treatment plan. The plan includes the recommendations for treatment from the physician and allows your financial coordinator to create an accurate quotation once you meet.
All initial onsite consultations will include a fertility evaluation, which consists of a physical examination, follicular ultrasound and testing, allowing the physician to evaluate your current fertility status and create a comprehensive treatment plan. If you elect for an initial virtual consultation, your fertility specialist will schedule your fertility evaluation at a subsequent visit.
The consultation includes a comprehensive evaluation with your physician. Together, you will review your goals and medical records, allowing ample time to discuss your goals and questions. We encourage you to write down your questions before your visit to enable you to maximize the time spent with your physician.
Upon your arrival, you will check in with a Patient Care Coordinator.
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