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Lily and Dave Found the Right Surrogate at RSMC

Found the Right SurrogateLily and Dave had a 6-year-old daughter and wanted to expand their family. But Lily had a very difficult pregnancy causing her to remain on bedrest for the majority of her pregnancy just to deliver safely. They knew Lily becoming pregnant again was not option for them. They searched for a surrogate on their own through an online forum, but had no luck finding someone they could trust and be responsible carrying their precious baby.

They then came to us in search of the right surrogate. Once they found the “right one” Lily began her treatments for her egg retrieval and their surrogate began her medications for the embryo transfer. They decided to transfer one boy and one girl embryo in hopes that one would take. Two weeks later the hgc test revealed a wonderfully high number. Their hopes and dreams began to become reality, they couldn’t help to think there were two babies. Heartbeat ultrasound confirmed there were twins!

Their family was complete! 


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