Only One Embryo Was Implanted But It Made Two Beautiful Babies

Mr. Wei was a single man, never been married, but wanted a child. He did his research and found that there was an option through surrogacy and egg donation. He originally decided he wanted one boy so he chose his donor and met his surrogate and went forward with a cycle. They only transferred one embryo, since he didn’t really want more than one.

His surrogate hcg numbers were unusually high for a first time test. Second hcg was only higher. At heartbeat ultrasound, they were very surprised to find not one, but two heartbeats! He was happy, surprised and in disbelief that it seemed to split to create two beautiful babies, identical twins!

Though there is a higher risk with identical twins, he was determined to see his babies born. His surrogate successfully carried both babies to 39 weeks! His babies were born without complication and to make it even more special actually were born on his birthday. Mr. Wei received the best birthday gift ever!!

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