A lot of our Surrogates already have an OB/GYN (obstetrician/gynecologist) they work with, and many are going to give birth at the same hospital where they deliver their own babies. All Surrogate mothers will give birth at a hospital close to their home. The decision on where to deliver the baby is usually made together with the obstetrician/gynecologist and the insurance firm, which may have some hospitals they approve. In some cases, our legal team will suggest that delivery take place at a particular hospital.

Intended Parents often want to witness the labor and childbirth process. Your Surrogate’s comfort and the policy of the hospital determine who will be present with the gestational carrier in the delivery room. After the baby is born, he or she will be placed in the nursery or a room given to you. According to the policies of most hospitals, the intended parents cannot take the baby home until the Surrogate has been discharged.

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