What types of women should freeze their eggs?

Many companies such as Apple and Facebook have offered the chance for women to freeze their eggs by covering the cost. It’s in the news and is making a deep impact. It’s a great company policy and takes into consideration, the future of their employees.

This decision also acknowledges the gap between men and women in the workplace. That is a woman’s career is many times controlled by their biological clock while that of a man is not. This new policy does give women more reproductive choices.

So now it shouldn’t be surprising that egg freezing, faces widespread wariness, much like the pill did. When the pill became mainstream, it sparked a whole debate that women should not have reproductive choices, because women make bad decisions. Now, people are worried that women will wait too long, or their priorities are not in order.

Some people feel that companies should not be paying to give women more reproductive choices. Many compare it to paying for kids to come eat dinner at the office. Both options strive to keep people at work, putting career before family. There have been programs in place for a long time that keep men from going home to their family. Why is it surprising now there are programs that keep women from doing the same?

So, this all begs the question: What types of women should take advantage of corporate-sponsored egg freezing? You really must sit down and think about what’s important in life. Do you want to start a family at some point and watch your kids grow up and find their own paths?

We don’t know the true meaning of life yet, but we do know that relationships are more important than anything else. Watching these relationships unfold is the most enjoyable part of life. This is what life is all about. Here are some reasons to freeze your eggs:

You want more time to find a career

This may be the top reason to freeze your eggs. It goes without saying, if you don’t have a career by the time you’re 30 then you probably don’t really want to have one. People who love working find something suitable and stable by the time they’re 30, because they work on finding it all in their 20s. People who travel or do art projects are fulfilled by other things besides work. They should just admit it and not keep asking for more time to be something that they are not. They are only putting real life on hold to live out the life they wish they needed.

Wanting more time to find a career is not a bad idea if you’re focused on it and really want to achieve something to show your future child.

You want to get more done in your current career

It is a dream to think that you can have a baby and it won’t ruin your work life. And there’s no time when women who have stellar careers are excited about halting their career to have a baby. It may be discouraging to have to slow down a steep upward slope because of a biological clock. But keep in mind the timing will only get worse as you get further and further into your career. If you are willing to interrupt your career before you’re 35, will it be convenient for you to interrupt your career after 35?

If yes, then egg freezing is the correct option for you. Until you decide you are ready; you can have your biological clock paused so you can solely focus on advancing in your career without risking your future fertility.

You might want babies in the future

Life doesn’t guarantee a lot to us. We never get promises from life about having enough money or marrying someone honest, but what we get is the power to make choices. Hence, we need to make them. The world’s divided between people who like to make a decision and people who don’t.

The people who are afraid of commitment are the ones who are most likely to put off having a baby. But ironically, those same types of people don’t generally need to protect their career carefully. Careers are not generally huge or linear for those who don’t like closure. This means that taking time off to have kids will not derail their careers. So, there is no actual reason to put off having kids. It could just be a ploy to put off making the decision, but making decisions is what defines us and our lives.

If your career is not your primary focus, then it is also possible that you might not want kids right away or are even unsure that you will ever want them. Egg freezing provides you with a solution. You need to remember that the chances of getting pregnant after 40 decreases naturally. If you decide to get pregnant later but find out that your eggs are not viable, it will put an end to your biological link. So, freezing your eggs while you’re still young is the best choice as most people will want to become parents at some stage.

You don’t have a partner

Women who do not have a partner by the age of 30 are single because they don’t make finding a partner a priority. It’s not a mystery how people find partners generally: they look consistently. It’s difficult to meet your match in adult life. Nobody advances their career without focus, drive and making decisions based on incomplete information. The same is true for finding a partner. Most people are partnered-up by their 30s, allowing them more opportunities to build their family.

Who should freeze their eggs?

The short answer is anyone who wants more control of their priorities and timeline. Freezing your eggs will allow you to focus more on your career, finding the right partner, or achieving other personal goals. For many, having a child is a huge part of why being alive feels so exciting and full of promise. Part of that is seeing how their kids lives unfold.

In theory, frozen eggs can be used by women at any age of her convenience. If would like information about egg freezing as a future fertility option, reach out to us at https://fertile.com/ or call us at 858-436-7186 to Schedule a consultation.

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