How Much Do Surrogates Get Paid?

Are you looking for what the price of a surrogate mother or agency is going to cost in San Diego? Well, you’re not going to have to look much further because on this page were going to answer this exact question.
On average come you going to pay anywhere from $90,000 to $150,000.
Within this range you can have a variable percentage of about 10 to 20%. This means that it could be 10 to 20% lower than $90,000 or 10 to 20% higher than $150,000.
More specifically in San Diego, you’ll find the prices to be cheaper than in some of the bigger cities. Although San Diego is one of the biggest cities in the United States, the cost of living is not so bad in comparison to major areas such as Los Angeles or New York City. In those cities you’re going to pay about 5% more than you would in a city like San Diego.
Furthermore, there’re some additional items that you’re going to want to be aware of that can also influence the price. One of those is wish agency that you use. Different agencies are going to charge different prices. Their pricing is based off of their performance and success. It is also based off of or reputation. If a certain agency has a high reputation with lots of success stories that you can expect them to charge more than another agency.
The next piece that is going to influence the cost is whether or not you need eggs. If you have eggs line, the prices going to be cheaper. If you need eggs then you’re going to have to pay an additional $10,000 to $18,000. Really this will just depend on your current situation. Sometimes people have eggs that they how are you gotten well other times they do not need a agency to set it up for them.
The biggest advantage to using an agency is that they’re going to do everything for you. You have never gone through the surrogacy process, thus you are more likely to make mistakes. Eatzi is gone through the process countless times and knows exactly what it takes to be able to have a successful surrogacy.