Below, you’re going to discover how much it cost on average for a surrogate mother. We have comprises list by comparing all the averages across the nation as well as for more specifically, the United States of America.

How Much Does a Surrogate Cost?

The surrogate mother cost can be anywhere from $70,000 to 200,000. There’re a lot of factors that go into what determines this price. Most of the time the number that we just gave us going to cover agency fees, legal fees, any carrying or surrogate mother cost, as well as medical and insurance.
Additionally, you can expect that number to vary about 10 to 20%. The reason being is because there could possibly be some costs that you don’t foresee or can predict.

Getting More Specific

Here are some of the things that influence the price you’re going to pay.

1. Are you in the United States? If you’re in the United States it is going to be cheaper.

2. Need assistance of a Gestational Surrogate? If you need assistance, it is going to be more expensive.

3. Do you need an egg donor? If you need an egg donor than you can expect to pay substantially more. Furthermore, if you have frozen embryos you can expect to pay a little bit less than if you needed an egg donor out right.

Other Factors That Affect Surrogacy Price

The Clinic

Which clinic are you going to? Do they have an outstanding reputation? Do they have incredible success rates? Are they highly touted? All of these things if yes, can lead to a much higher price. If there are clinics in great demand because they have such good success rate then you can expect to pay more than the clinics that don’t have as much in demand and are highly touted.

The Location

Location plays a big role in how much are going to pay. Somewhere like New York City is going to be Price year in comparison to places like New Mexico. Keep in mind though, most of the highly touted clinics are going to be in big cities like San Diego and New York.


Although he doesn’t play a huge number in the overall surrogate mother cost, you will have to accommodate that if you needed you will travel to the clinic of your choice. So you can tap on traveling expenses as well.

Current Cities

Wanting more specific outlook on pricing? Take a look below if you live in policies.
San Diego, CA
Los Angeles, CA